
Two girls at a table playing with  wooden blocks

In April, the Australian Government introduced a temporary initiative to offer free child care as a supportive measure to help families as the nation began to respond to COVID-19. This free child care assistance ends on the 13th of July. Read on to learn more.

Children, one with disability, in a circle looking down at the camera.

We know it seems like we only just sent our kids back to school, and the holidays are here AGAIN. Our IDEAS team have contributed to help get you through, from what we do with our own youngsters, to online opportunities, we pull together some new boredom busters for Winter 2020.

Image of a person using a laptop, their feet are up on a footrest.

Armchair travel has existed for centuries. In the wake of COVID-19, the concept is taking on a fresh direction. Digital travel is the new way to ramble the world as we recover. As the travel and tourism collective plan to regenerate, the use of digital media to entice travellers in the interim has shown to be strategic, and that benefits us all.

woman with purple hair bound by an orange rope.

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability (Disability Royal Commission) has released several Issue papers in recent months. 

A young girl with disability is laying in the grass, she has her eyes closed, is smiling with her hands partly covering her face.

The impact of COVID-19 has been widespread and has changed the way many things work. While we know it has been a challenging time for some people with a disability, there have also been some positive changes that have happened.

3 blue keys on a keyboard. Each key has a symbol for accessibility. From left to right: Wheelchair access. Hearing loop and a person with low vision using a cane.

Thursday, May 21, 2020, marks the ninth Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). GAAD aims to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access/inclusion and people with different disabilities.

An image of an IDEAS Information Officer in a blue shirt working on a computer. She wears a headset.

Our Information and Content Officers have been hard at work taking your calls, answering your questions and researching the information that you need! As a result, we have combined all our brainpower and come up with our top 10 most asked questions relating to COVID-19 to help you unblur those lines:

Woman using a wheelchair being shown a cuddly toy by her daughter

The COVID rules are different in every state. And they will keep changing. The rules cover things like work, going out, meeting people, school, cafes, clubs and travel. It is hard to say what they mean for each person with a disability. Some people with a disability have health reasons that mean if they got COVID-19 they would be very unwell. 

A boy in school uniform is walking though a corridor smiling.

The disruption to routine, changes to the way children are learning from home, and changes overall from COVID-19 have been a rough ride for most. For some parents educators, and carers, the next hurdle will be how to cope moving forward, as children return to the school space.

Image of wooden blocks spelling out the word Ombudsman.

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) has announced extra support with urgent complaints about telecommunications. This support is for vulnerable and at-risk residential consumers and small businesses in response to COVID-19.