
3 Step plan to ease COVID-19 rules. Woman with dark glasses and assistance dog. with three numbered green ticks.

The Government has made a 3 Step Plan to ease the COVID-19 rules.

A man in his car with a medical mas is having his temperature taken

IDEAS has put together information on COVID-19 testing, locations, what to expect, where to find testing centres, how long results take and how to get help about access needs at testing clinics.

Two women, one with visible disability, stretching in a yoga pose

For People with Disability, Coronavirus restrictions have limited the vital supports they receive, like face-to-face services and therapies. Suddenly, group programs for socialising, activities to get out and about, or attendance to learn new technology or equipment, have been at a standstill. We write about the alternatives that providers offer.

Electricity bill with bar graphs and an energy efficient light bulb

Many people are facing financial hardship because of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Because of this, many utility providers, including energy companies, phone and internet providers, government services, and insurers are offering their customers flexibility when it comes to paying their bills.

COVID19 Info in Community Languages. Picture is a collage of fact sheets in different languages and scripts.  There are pictures of handwashing and a person presenting on TV.

Need to get coronavirus (COVID-19) resources in your language?

There is information about health, money and support.

woman shopping online with a credit card and laptop on a couch

While we are all at home more because of COVID-19, people are beginning to make more of their purchases online. Some people are not confident when making purchases online, and some are overly confident. Making a digital transaction can be scary and you need to be careful. Here are some ways to stay safe and smart when shopping online.

healthy food and woman in wheelchair drinking tea

Feeling overwhelmed? Is all the information giving you a headache?
Is your nutrition and exercise routine the first thing to go when life gets a little bizarre?
That is where IDEAS quick tips to maintaining healthy habits during COVID-19 shines.

Image of a senior woman, holding a cup and blue letter.

COVID- 19 restrictions have created opportunities for peer groups and families to connect and meet in different ways. Online and offline, people with like-minded interests are communicating and sharing. Support groups have been moving to video-calls. Virtual coffee catchups are in.

A woman with oxygen tubes and headset looking at a computer.

COVID-19 may have changed how you work. If you are needed to work from home for the first time, this Australian Government Comcare Checklist can help you. It outlines hints for short term working from home arrangements.

Image of lady wearing a medical mask using her mobile device on a couch.

The COVIDSafe app was launched on Sunday, April 26, 2020, with its main purpose being to slow the spread of COVID-19. The Government is confident it will help to find and contain outbreaks in a quicker timeframe, thereby allowing the easement of restrictions whilst still keeping people safe.