6 very large in orange, text says new things about the NDIS

As of 1 July, there have been some significant changes to the NDIS, including the new Price Guide and Support Catalogue, a new Assistive Technology and Consumables Code guide, new operational guidelines for Supported Independent Living, Specialist Disability Accommodation and Medium Term Accommodation, the end of the 10 per cent COVID loading and the expansion of the National Community Connector Program.

Here are 6 new changes participants should be aware of as of 1 July.

  1. The NDIA has released the NDIS Price Guide 2020-21 and Support Catalogue, effective 1 July. Participant plans will be automatically indexed from 1 July 2020. Plans will be updated from 11 July, but indexation will still apply from 1 July. More info: Price Limit Indexation and Clarity about the Price Guide
  2. The Assistive Technology and Consumables Code Guide, effective 1 July, is also now available. 
  3. New Operational Guidelines for Supported Independent Living (SIL), Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) are now available. More info and links to the new guidelines: New Operational Guidelines
  4. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is now available to all eligible Australians, no matter where they live. Read more: Delivering the NDIS roll-out complete across Australia
  5. From 25 March 2020 to 30 June 2020, a 10 per cent temporary increase was applied to the price limits of 402 price-controlled items in selected support categories. From 1 July, this temporary COVID loading will no longer apply.
  6. Minister Robert has announced a $20 million expansion of the National Community Connector Program (NCCP). Read the full NDIS Media Release

We know, we know we said 6 things, but we're adding just one more.  This one is about improving participants access to their personal information and records. You can now request access to plan review decisions and reasons, access decisions and reasons, along with medical information. This change means a Freedom of Information (FOI) is no longer needed. This new NDIS policy also says they'll get back to you within 28 days. 

For more information on any of these changes, call us for free on 1800 029 904 or call the NDIS.


Phone: 1800 800 110
Web: www.ndis.gov.au
Or read our full directory listing.

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