Sillohuette of human head made of multicoloured rainbow shards

Formed in 1986, Brain Injury Australia is the nation’s peak advocacy body representing the over 700,000 Australians with a brain injury, their families and carers. 

Alongside providing policy advice to Commonwealth and State/ Territory governments, Brain Injury Australia is the central clearinghouse of information about brain injury and the gateway for a referral to services and supports nationwide. It also drives multi-year public education campaigns on:

  • "Shaken baby syndrome", the leading cause of death and disability in children who have been abused
  • Concussion in sport, the leading cause of head injury
  • Falls, due to the aging of our population
  • People with a brain injury in the criminal justice system (as many as 80% of Australia's adult prisoners report brain injury) and
  • Women, family violence and traumatic brain injury.

IDEAS is a proud supporter of Brain Injury Australia’s 6th National Brain Injury Conference, to be held at Brisbane’s Princess Alexandra Hospital’s Russell Strong Auditorium on the 13th and 14th November 2018. View event details on our calendar by clicking here.

IDEAS will be exhibiting at the conference and hope to spread the word on accessing supports and services needed by individuals and their families and carers, as they live the lives of their choice with brain injury. IDEAS phone and web services including Live chat are available for any question and referral required.

The conference features 30 international and local experts presenting on:

  • Research frontiers in neuroplasticity and rehabilitation (led by 2017’s Australian of the Year, Griffith University’s Emeritus Professor Alan Mackay-Sim);
  • Best practice cognitive rehabilitation (Kit Malia and Anne Brannagan OBE from
  • the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre in the United Kingdom);
  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for people with a brain injury;
  • “Unique data” from the “most detailed brain image ever acquired” (the University of Sydney’s Professor Stuart Grieve);
  • Concussion/ mild traumatic brain injury;
  • Innovations in regional/ rural/ remote and culturally secure service delivery.

Registration is one-third the cost of previous Conferences! Day rate and discounted registrations - for people with a disability, family members and carers – are also available.

View the conference program and register online.

brain injury australia logo

Phone: 1800 272 461
Web: www.braininjuryaustralia.org.au 
For more information, read our directory listing

IDEAS does information so you can do life.