A wooden toolbox full of tools

The iRemember  Memory Cases are an initiative of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG). First developed a number of years ago they are resources to consider borrowing from the TMAG. The first one is the 'In the Kitchen Memory Case' and the second one is the 'In the Shed Memory Case'.  

Both have been the collaborative work of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, and the University of Tasmania.

The 'In the Kitchen Memory Case' was launched in September 2015 as a part of Dementia Awareness Month. 

In this case, there are 15 kitchen items that dementia patients can pick up and handle and hopefully be reminded of using in their own kitchens. The items include an Arnott's biscuit tin, a milk bottle, an egg beater, and a soap saver. Such items have been selected with the possibility of triggering memories and stimulating conversations.

Fran McInerney from the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre (within the University of Tasmania) suggested that such a program could assist patients to relax, be less anxious and have more positive relationships.

Connection with the past and the use of such concepts as the memory box may help people living dementia, their families, friends and carers.

The 'In the Shed Memory Case' was launched in September 2016 again as part of Dementia Awareness Month. It was developed by TMAG through a partnership with the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre in the University of Tasmania's Faculty of Health Science.

The shed theme was selected to compliment the kitchen theme. There are 16 shed-related items selected for their interactivity and ability to be handled. They include a bicycle pump, an oil can, a brace hand drill, a hand plane, a hand reel and a spirit level.

Both memory cases aim to help people living with dementia to connect more closely with their friends, families and carers by making communication easier and more enjoyable. Having a prop may make beginning a conversation more manageable than struggling to find a safe topic.

They are ideal ways of telling stories, sharing memories and educating the young by using real objects.

In a term becoming quite common in the realm of dementia care, the memory cases are a form of reminiscence therapy,

  • providing a way to begin and continue conversations
  • to encourage people living with dementia to talk about their lives, and
  • to make connections with the people around them


Both memory cases are available to borrow from the TMAG for a two week period by individuals and organisations. 

For further information: 

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Loan Resource flyer 

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