Mobile phone being held

An initiative of Housing Victoria and available to public housing tenants aged 75 years and over who live by themselves, Keeping in Touch is a free and confidential telephone service available in Victoria. A once a week phone call is made to registered tenants to check if they are okay.

How to register?

To register, call Keeping in Touch on 1800 269 250 (free call). Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (except public holidays).

You will be asked to nominate a next of kin (closest relative or family member) and an emergency contact (a close family friend or work colleague).

How does Keeping in Touch work?

A trained customer service officer will ring on the day that has been pre-arranged between 8 am and 10 am if you choose to be called once a week. 

If you don’t answer the phone when they call, they’ll try again within 15 minutes.

If there’s no answer, they’ll call again in another 15 minutes.

If there’s still no answer, they will contact your next of kin or emergency contact and ask them to check on you.

Someone from your local office will visit your home urgently to make sure you are okay if they cannot reach your next of kin or emergency contact. 

In extreme circumstances – if there is a concern that you might be hurt or unwell – emergency services will be contacted to come to your home.

Six-monthly reminder

They will contact tenants who have not registered for Keeping in Touch once every six months to see if they want the service.

When they call, they will also make sure next of kin details are up to date. 

Keeping in Touch can be contacted on 1800 269 250 (free call). Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (except public holidays).

For further information go to Keeping in Touch 

In case of an emergency call 000

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