Woman stretching standing on a yoga mat

As with many organisations, IDEAS online editors have been keeping up-to-date with the latest on COVID-19 news, restrictions, lockdowns and masks. Our Executive Assistant Jess has given us something different to consider.

There comes a point when information on something other than COVID-19, coronavirus, the Rona, the virus is sought after, so our multi-talented Executive Assistant has chipped in and provided the Web Content Team with a bevy of articles focusing on the theme of self-care. This is the first one. Sometimes it is this important element of our lives that is neglected; at a time when it really should be front and centre of our daily routine.

Not all of the following suggestions will suit everyone so the tip is to read them and select the ones that pique your interest or that you think are relevant to your circumstances.      

Self-care is crucial – particularly for people working in organisations that care so much for their customers and communities. It’s important when caring for others to make sure you set aside some time to also care for you.

It’s important to note that some of these tips aren’t possible right now in this COVID world and that some of the tips can only be used if where you live has no restrictions and even then – keep COVID-safe, please!

Cup of herbal tea 

When you only have 5 minutes:

  • Take 10 deep breaths, counting in for eight, hold for 8, exhale for 10.
  • Move and stretch your whole body from your shoulders to your ankles.
  • Make a cup of herbal tea and take a moment to breathe in the aroma before drinking.
  • In a quiet place, think about and write down three things you are grateful for.
  • Get outside, breathe, and simply look up at the sky.

Chatting to a friend

When you have up to an hour:

  • Go for a brisk walk or jog (if permitted).
  • Do some yoga or strengthening work.
  • Have a chat with a friend – virtually if not able to do face to face.
  • Take a shower and freshen up.
  • Have a nap.
  • Listen to or play some music.

Bubble bath

When you have a few hours:

  • Cook your favourite dish for you and/or loved ones.
  • Sleep in, enjoy a leisurely breakfast and read a book in bed.
  • Go for a picnic or off exploring – in your own area for now, please! Keep a list of all those places you want to go in a post COVID world 😊
  • Take a long luxurious bath and relax with no devices!
  • Plan a date night with your significant other or best friends – do by phone/video if unable to see them face to face.
  • Do something artistic or creative – learn a new skill – YouTube can teach you anything!

Dog sleeping

Some overall tips to care for your own wellbeing include:

  • Say no! It's ok to sometimes to say no and do what’s right for you.
  • Do something your future self will thank you for.
  • Get enough sleep – leave your phone outside of your bedroom at night and avoid TV or reading right before bedtime.
  • Start a journal – if stuck on what to write, start with what you are grateful for.

Need more help?

Look after your Mental Health 
National Crisis Numbers
How to maintain healthy habits during COVID-19 with food and exercise
How to get a Mental Health Care Plan

Please call if there is something else you would like help with. Our Information Officers are on the phone from 8 am - 8 pm, Monday to Friday.
Call the COVID-19 Disability Information Helpline on 1800 643 787, talk to us on Live Chat or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

IDEAS does information so you can do life