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The Government has responded to Mr Tune’s Report, published in January, which contained 29 recommendations or suggested changes for the NDIS Act.   

In March we wrote about community and sector responses to the report in No Surprises from Tune Review. Now, the Australian Government says it welcomes the 2019 review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (the NDIS Act) report completed by Mr David Tune AO PSM.

The Government says it is committed to working closely with people with disability and their families and carers to ensure the NDIS provides consistent, effective and high-quality service delivery. The Department of Social Services says that together with the NDIA, the Government is committed to identifying and improving processes and implement the Participant Service Guarantee.

The Government says in principle, it supports all 29 recommendations in the Report and had previously committed to legislate the Participant Service Guarantee by 1 July this year. This was delayed due to the need to focus on the COVID-19 response but has now been released. Draft amendments to the NDIS Act are also in development.

Minister Stuart Roberts said on August 28

'The Morrison Government supports or supports in principle, all of the recommendations of the Tune Review, completed by Mr David Tune AO PSM. Over the next six months, in line with public health advice, the Government will work in close collaboration with people with disability and the disability sector to implement these reforms, including consultation on any legislative changes required'

Nineteen of the recommendations suggest necessary changes to the NDIS Act and Rules to support the implementation of the Participant Service Guarantee. These changes would aim to improve outcomes for children and people with psychosocial disabilities, make clear the basis of “reasonable and necessary” packages of support and streamline processes. The other ten recommendations go to supporting an improved participant experience through operational or other service delivery reforms, ensuring the NDIS meets expectations for access, inclusion and usability for participants.

The Government responds to each recommendation with details about how they will implement change, an example is shared below. 

Recommendation 3

The Commonwealth provides additional funding to support people with disability to navigate the NDIS, with a review of demand to occur as part of the next review of NDIS costs, currently scheduled for 2023.


In 2020, more than $94 million will be made available through further grant opportunities managed by the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Program.

The Government has also committed $20 million to expand the NDIS Community Connectors Program to assist hard to reach communities to navigate the NDIS and assist them in access, planning and implementation processes.

Disability Ministers have also agreed to review national disability advocacy and decision- making supports, including a demand and gap analysis, to ensure funded advocacy organisations are effectively supporting and delivering outcomes for NDIS participants, as well as people with disability who are not eligible for the NDIS, who represent the vast majority of people with disability in Australia.

To read the full Government response, you can download the PDF or Word Document below. An Easy English version is being developed, and we will post it here when it is published.

Government Response to Tune Review - Download PDF
Government Response to Tune Review - Listen to PDF
Government Response to Tune Review - Download Word Doc

To read the Tune Review or original Report, you can download the PDF, listen to it or download the Word Document or the Plain English summary below.

Review of the NDIS Act Plain English – Download PDF
Review of the NDIS Act Plain English – Listen to PDF
Review of the NDIS Act Plain English – Download Word Doc

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