Man in wheelchair next to a sign that says covid normal

The Victorian Government has a plan for how it will reopen and take steps towards COVID Normal. It is called the Roadmap for reopening. It tells you what you can and cannot do when you are out of your home. 

There are two roadmaps for reopening, one for Metro Melbourne and one for Regional Victoria. 

Current restrictions

Easy English

Third Step restrictions apply from 9 November – the same rules now apply across all of Victoria (metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria). 

For more information about the current restrictions go to the  Roadmap to reopening web page.

This article outlines the steps on the Roadmap to reopening for both metro and regional Victorians.

Check FAQ COVID-19 from people with a disability in Victoria 

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Please call the Disability Information Helpline for free on 1800 643 787.

Our Information Officers can help you find information for where you live and, for what you need. The Helpline operates Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm AEDT

Quick links
Roadmap to reopening  
Metro Melbourne First Step
Metro Melbourne Second Step 
Metro Melbourne Third Step - current 
Metro Melbourne Last Step
Metro Melbourne Covid Normal
Regional Victoria First Step
Regional Victoria Second Step
Regional Victoria Third Step - current 
Regional Victoria Last Step
Regional Victoria Covid Normal

Roadmap to Reopening

First Step

  • Regional Victoria: The first step only applies to Metro Melbourne
  • Metro Melbourne (11:59 pm 13 September): Expanded social interaction.

Second Step

  • Regional Victoria (11:59 pm 13 September): Social bubbles, visitors and staged return of education.
  • Metro Melbourne (11:59 pm 27 September): Social bubbles, phased return of some workforces and education

Third Step

  • Regional Victoria (11:59 pm 16 September): Increased reopening for sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.
  • Metro Melbourne (9 November): Major industries return, increased reopening for education, sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.

Last Step

  • Statewide (23 November subject to trigger points and public health advice): Increased numbers for gatherings and hospitality

COVID Normal

  • Statewide (subject to trigger points and public health advice): No restrictions for gatherings, visitors, hospitality or sport.

What happens in each step?

Trigger points for easing restrictions – the decision for easing restrictions will be considered with Public Health advice, and preconditions being in place.

Metro Melbourne  

First Step

Finished at 11.59 pm on 27 September


Curfew: eased to 9 pm – 5 am
Leave home: for 4 reasons and stay local (5km) Public gatherings: increased to 2 people or a household that can meet outdoors for two hours maximum
Visitors to the home: increased to 1 nominated visitor if living alone/single parent (all children under 18) (‘single social bubble’), professional respite care for people with complex needs allowed

Education and childcare

Childcare and early educators: closed except for permitted workers
Schools: remote learning unless an exemption applies
Adult education: only onsite for those on the permitted list


Only go to work if you are in a permitted industry

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: take-away and delivery only
Retail: essential only with others only for click and collect
Real estate: certain permitted activities can be done in person but auctions online only
Shopping: 1 person per household

Exercise and recreation

Outdoor recreation: must be within 5km, all sport and recreation facilities closed, outdoor playgrounds open.
Exercise: outdoors, up to two hours per day total, split into a maximum of two sessions

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings: only for compassionate reasons, with up to 5 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant)
Funerals: allowed with up to 10 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral)
Religion: places of worship closed

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Intrastate travel: not allowed, unless for a permitted purpose
Entertainment: all venues closed
Accommodation: closed, except emergency

Second Step

Finished 11:59 pm 8 November 


Curfew: From 5 am on Monday 28 September there is no longer a curfew in metropolitan Melbourne. You can leave home at any time for one of the 4 reasons

Leave home: for 4 reasons and stay local (5km), 2 hours maximum for exercise or social interaction

Public gatherings: increased to up to 5 people from a maximum of two households that can meet outdoors for social interaction (infants under 12 months of age are not included in the cap)

Visitors to the home: 1 nominated visitor if living alone/single parent (all children under 18) - 'single social bubble’. Respite care as per the First Step

Education and childcare

Childcare and early educators: re-opens
Schools: remote learning with a staged return for onsite learning for Prep to Grade 2, VCE/VCAL and specialist schools in Term 4
Adult education: only onsite for those on the permitted list


Only go to work if you are in a permitted industry – more workplaces to be permitted in the following stages (see industry roadmaps)

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: take-away and delivery only
Retail: essential only with others only for click and collect
Real estate: certain permitted activities can be done in person but auctions online only
Shopping: 1 person per household

Exercise and Recreation 

Outdoor recreation: must be within 5km, outdoor personal training allowed with up to 2 people per trainer, outdoor pools open.
Exercise: outdoors, up to two hours per day total, split into a maximum of two sessions

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings: only for compassionate reasons, with up to 5 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant)
Funerals: allowed with up to 10 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral)
Religion: places of worship closed, outdoor gatherings (not ceremonies) of up to 5 people, plus 1 faith leader, proximate to a place of worship, are allowed.

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Intrastate travel: not allowed, unless for a permitted purpose
Entertainment: all venues closed
Accommodation: closed, except for a permitted purpose

Step 3

Started 9 November


Curfew: not in place
Leave home: no restrictions on reasons to leave home or distance but stay safe
Public gatherings: increased to up to 10 people outdoors
Visitors to the home: create a ‘household bubble’ with one nominated household allowing up to 5 visitors from that household at a time (infants under 12 months of age are not included in the cap)

Education and childcare

Childcare and early educators: open
Schools: remote learning with a potential staged return for onsite learning for Grade 3 to Grade 10 based on public health advice
Adult education: learn from home if you can, onsite learning for hands-on, skills-based learning


Work from home if you can

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: predominantly outdoor seated service, increased group limit of 10 and density limits
Retail: re-opens, hairdressing open with safety measures, other beauty/personal care closed Real estate: private inspections by appointment only, auctions outdoors subject to gathering limits
Shopping: no person limits

Exercise and Recreation

Outdoor contact and non-contact sport for ≤18, outdoor non-contact sport only for adults, with gathering and density limits, outdoor skateparks open, outdoor fitness for 10 people.

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings: allowed with up to 10 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant)
Funerals: allowed with up to 20 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral)
Religion: outdoor religious gatherings for up to 10 people plus a faith leader, facilities open for private worship for households or social bubbles, plus a faith leader

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Weddings: allowed with up to 10 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant)
Funerals: allowed with up to 20 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral
Religion: outdoor religious gatherings for up to 10 people plus a faith leader, facilities open for private worship for households or social bubbles, plus a faith leader

Last Step

Later than threshold being met and 23 November 2020

Move from the Third Step to the Last Step if we reach no new cases for 14 days (state-wide)


Curfew: not in place
Leave home: No restrictions on reasons to leave home or distance but stay safe
Public gatherings: increased to up to 50 people outdoors
Visitors to the home: increased to up to 20 visitors at a time

Education and childcare

Childcare and early educators: open
Schools: remote learning with a potential staged return for onsite learning for Grade 3 to Grade 10 based on public health advice
Adult education: return to onsite learning for all with safety measures in place


Work from home if you can

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: indoor (group limit of 20 and seated service, cap 50 patrons), outdoor dining subject to density quotient
Retail: all open
Real estate: operating with safety measures and record-keeping

Exercise and Recreation

No exercise restrictions. Facilities open subject to safety measures. Organised contact sports resume for all ages. Limitations for spectators

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings: allowed with 50 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant), 20 in a private residence
Funerals: allowed with 50 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral), 20 in a private residence
Religion: public worship (not including private ceremonies e.g. baptism, bat mitzvah) can resume in outdoor and indoor settings subject to density quotient

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Intrastate travel: allowed
Entertainment: indoor and outdoor venues open with density quotient and patron caps. Staged return to events with seated spectators. Large events treated on an individual basis based on requirements and epidemiology at the time Accommodation: Open

COVID Normal

When threshold met

Move from the Last Step to COVID Normal if we reach no new cases for 28 days (state-wide), no active cases (state-wide) and no outbreaks of concern in other states or territories


Curfew: not in place
Leave home: No restrictions on reasons to leave home or distance but stay safe
Public gatherings: no restrictions but organisers encouraged to keep records of attendees
Visitors to the home: no restrictions but organisers encouraged to keep records of visitors

Education and childcare

Childcare and early educators: open Schools: onsite learning
Adult education: return to onsite learning


Phased return to onsite work for workers who have been working from home

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: no restrictions but record-keeping of patrons to continue
Retail: all open
Real estate: operating with safety measures and record-keeping

Exercise and Recreation

No restrictions on community sports or spectators

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings, funerals, religion: no limits but organisers required to keep records of attendees

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Intrastate travel: allowed
Borders: Continued international border controls, state border controls activated in case of outbreaks
Entertainment venues: open, safety measures and record-keeping.

This information is from the Victorian Government - COVID-19 roadmap to reopening - Mapping Victoria’s path toward COVID Normal. Go to Metropolitan Melbourne industry restrictions for work rules.

Regional Victoria

First step

Only applies to Metropolitan Melbourne

Second Step

Finished at 11.59 pm on 16 September


Curfew: not in place.
Leave home: only for 4 reasons, no limit on distance, special arrangements for border communities.
Public gatherings: up to 5 people from a maximum of two households can meet outdoors for social interaction (infants under 12 months of age are not included in the cap).
Visitors to the home: 1 nominated visitor if living alone/single parent (all children under 18) (‘single social bubble’),
Professional respite care for people with complex needs allowed.

Education and Childcare

Childcare and early educators: open.
Schools: staged return to onsite learning for all students in Term 4 with safety measures in place.
Adult education: learn from home if you can.


Work from home if you can.

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: take-away and delivery only.
Retail: open, with density and other restrictions, hairdressing open.
Real estate: private inspections and auctions online only.
Shopping: no person limits.

Exercise and Recreation

Type: outdoor exercise and recreation allowed.
Duration: no time or frequency limit.
Type: outdoor playgrounds and outdoor pools open.

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings: allowed with up to 5 people  (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant).
Funerals: allowed with up to 10 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral).
Religion: places of worship closed, outdoor gatherings (not ceremonies) of up to 5 people, plus 1 faith leader, proximate to a place of worship, are allowed.

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Intrastate travel: not allowed, unless for a permitted purpose.
Entertainment: all venues closed.
Accommodation and camping: closed, except for a permitted purpose.

Third Step

Commenced at 11.59 pm on 16 September


Leave home: no restrictions on reasons to leave home or distance but stay safe.
Leave home: no restrictions on reasons to leave home or distance but stay safe.
Public gatherings: up to 10 people outdoors.
Visitors to the home: create a ‘household bubble’ with one nominated household allowing up to 5 visitors from that household at a time (infants under 12 months of age are not included in the cap).

Education and Childcare

Childcare and early educators: open.
Schools: return to onsite learning for all students in Term 4 with safety measures in place.
Adult education: learn from home if you can, onsite learning for hands-on, skills-based learning.


Work from home if you can.

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: predominantly outdoor seated service, group limit of 10 and density limits.
Retail: all open, hairdressing open with safety measures, other beauty/personal care closed.
Real estate: private inspections by appointment only, auctions outdoors subject to gathering limits.
Shopping: no person limits.

Exercise and recreation

Outdoor contact and non-contact sport for≤18, outdoor non-contact sport only for adults, with gathering and density limits, outdoor skateparks open, outdoor fitness for 10 people.

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings: allowed with up to 10 people(including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant).
Funerals: allowed with up to 20 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral).
Religion: outdoor religious gatherings for up to 10 people plus a faith leader are allowed, facilities open for private worship for households or social bubbles, plus a faith leader.

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Intrastate travel: allowed across Third Step area
Entertainment: outdoor venues and events, subject to pre-approved plans.Accommodation: open, with caps per the social bubble.

Last Step

Later than threshold being met and 23 November 2020

Move from the Third Step to the Last Step if we reach no new cases for 14 days (state-wide)


Leave home: no restrictions on reasons to leave home or distance but stay safe.
Public gatherings: up to 50 people outdoors.Visitors to the home: up to 20 visitors at a time.

Education and Childcare

Childcare and early educators: open.
Schools: onsite learning for all with safety measures in place.
Adult education: return to onsite learning for all with safety measures in place.


Work from home if you can.

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: indoor (group limit of 20 and seated service, cap 50 patrons), outdoor dining subject to density quotient
Retail: all open.
Real estate: operating with safety measures and record-keeping.

Exercise and recreation

No exercise restrictions. facilities open subject to safety measures. Organised contacts sports resume for all ages. Limitations for spectators.

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings: allowed with 50 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant), 20 in a private residence.
Funerals: allowed with 50 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral), 20 in a private residence.
Religion: public worship (not including private ceremonies e.g. baptism, bat mitzvah) can resume in outdoor and indoor settings subject to density quotient.

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Intrastate travel: allowed
Entertainment: indoor and outdoor venues open with density quotient and patron caps. Staged return to events with seated spectators. Large events treated on an individual basis based on requirements and epidemiology at the time.
Accommodation: open.

COVID Normal

When threshold met

Move from the Last Step to COVID Normal if we reach no new cases for 28 days (state-wide), no active cases (state-wide) and no outbreaks of concern in other states or territories.


Leave home: no restrictions.
Public gatherings: no restrictions but organisers encouraged to keep records of attendees.
Visitors to the home: no restrictions but organisers encouraged to keep records of attendees.

Education and Childcare

Childcare and early educators: open.
Schools: onsite learning.
Adult education: return to onsite learning.


Phased return to onsite work for workers who have been working from home.

Shopping, eating and drinking out

Hospitality: no restrictions but record-keeping of patrons to continue.
Retail: all open.
Real estate: operating with safety measures and record-keeping.

Exercise and recreation

No restrictions on community sports or spectators.

Ceremonies and special occasions

Weddings, funerals, religion: no limits but organisers required to keep records of attendees.

Entertainment, leisure and travel

Intrastate travel: allowed
Borders: continued international border controls, state border controls activated in case of outbreaks.
Entertainment venues: open, safety measures and recordkeeping.

Need More Information?

IDEAS COVID Directory listings
FAQ from People with Disability in Victoria

Call us on the Disability Information Helpline on 1800 643 787

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