Results 121 - 140 of 1141



121. Ballina Shire Meals On Wheels Inc.

Meal delivery service providing chilled fresh meals, frozen meals, hot meals, salads and sandwiches. social support are also available. 
Ballina, NSW

02 6686 2636

122. Department Communities and Justice, Family and Community Services - Ballina

NSW agency with statutory responsibility for protecting children and young people from risk of significant harm. Information on Children?s Court, Out-of-home care, Permanency Support Program (PSP), Guardianship, Adoption, fostering, relative… 
Ballina, NSW

02 6686 1999

123. Vietnamese Womens Association in NSW Inc

Provides social services and community activities to Vietnamese women and their families including support, information, English classes, and referral. 
Bonnyrigg, NSW

02 8798 0471

124. Geelong Legal Aid - Barwon Office

Offers a range of legal services to the Barwon Region. Lawyers can help assist with: Criminal charges, Family law matters, Child Support matters, Mental Health and Disability, Children's Court Family Division matters, general legal information. 
Geelong, VIC

1800 196 200, 03 522

125. Department Communities and Justice, Family and Community Services - Bathurst

NSW agency with statutory responsibility for protecting children and young people from risk of significant harm. Information on Children?s Court, Out-of-home care, Permanency Support Program (PSP), Guardianship, Adoption, fostering, relative… 
Bathurst, NSW

02 6333 0000

126. Meals on Wheels - Bathurst

Provides nutritious chilled and frozen meals 5 days a week within the Bathurst Region, we also provide frozen meals 5 days a week to the Oberon Region which are delivered by our volunteers. Central West Food Services provides frozen meals to… 
Bathurst, NSW

02 6331 8231

127. New Horizons

Provides a wide range of community care services for older people, people with a disability, people with a mental health or dementia, and the carers. New Horizons is a registered NDIS provider. New Horizons is a registered Home Care Package… 
Bathurst, NSW

02 6338 2345

128. Bathurst Early Childhood Intervention Service (BECIS)

BECIS provides education and therapy services for children from birth to 12 who have a diagnosed disability or a delay in more than one of the following areas of development; physical, thinking and learning, communication, play, sensory,… 
Bathurst, NSW

02 6338 4453

129. Inner Sydney Voice (RSDC)

Provides information, advocacy, support and community development to community organisations, groups and residents. 
Waterloo, NSW

02 9698 7690

130. Bega Valley Meals On Wheels Co-operative Ltd

Food services for frail aged or people with a disability and their carers. Covering the areas of Eden, Merimbula, Pambula, Bemboka, Bermagui, Tathra, Candelo and Bega. Services include: Home delivered meals, frozen food, centre-based meals.… 
Bega, NSW

02 6492 4146

131. Twofold Aboriginal Corporation

An organisation to assist Koori people with social housing, aged and disability care, management of jigamy farm, businesses and employment opportunities. 
Eden, NSW

02 6495 6343

132. Country Women's Association (Bega)

The Country Women's Association (CWA) shares interests with women in other states and countries around the world. Any women in NSW, through her membership of CWA, has a voice in her nation's affairs and an opportunity to assist the… 
Bega, NSW

0400 659 661

133. MDAA - Bega

MDAA aims to promote, protect and secure the rights and interests of people from diverse backgrounds with disability, their family and carers. We support people to speak up for their rights when they have problems. This includes problems… 
Bega, NSW

02 6492 0200, 0434 7

134. Uniting Home Care - Berrigan

Services for seniors include: Home maintenance and modifications Personal care Domestic assistance Meals on wheels Community transport Social support. 
Berrigan, New South Wales

1800 486 484

135. Commonwealth Home Support Program

Community transport service providing local and out of town transport to Seniors, people with disability and transport disadvantaged client group. The service owns one car and hires a bus for a one monthly trip to Tamworth. The service also… 
Bingara, NSW

02 6724 1948

136. Bingara Neighbourhood Centre

Local contact centre for Centrelink - information and forms. Fax and photocopying service. Contact for and referral of: free legal service and Family Support Service, youth service and community information. 
Bingara, NSW

02 6724 2071

137. Western Sydney Mental Health Services

Western Sydney Local Health District Mental Health Services is here to support people with a range of mental illnesses and disorders. No matter what your age or background, they can offer support via a range of services. 
New South Wales

138. Blacktown Community Health Centre - Speech Pathology Service

Provides speech pathology assessment and treatment to children aged 0-7 years with language, speech, hearing, voice and feeding difficulties. 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9881 8700 (Recept

139. Catholic Care - Blacktown Family Support Service

Provides early intervention support, including parenting education, specialised counselling, playgroup, mums group and intensive family preservation to residents of the Blacktown Local Government Area. 
Blacktown, NSW

02 8843 2530

140. Catholic Care - Blacktown Neighbour Aid

Blacktown Neighbour Aid assists elderly people who are living within the Blacktown Local Government Area to continue living independently in their own home. Trained Social Support Workers assist to support inclusion and social contact with… 
Blacktown, NSW

02 8843 2500