Results 141 - 160 of 1141



141. Peckys

Provides Day Program for people with disability and gives members opportunities to make new friends, increase independence, experience new activities and have fun. Social Group on Tuesdays and weekends. Support Coordination. Supported… 
Plumpton, NSW

02 9688 3268

142. Family Preservation Blacktown

The Family Preservation team works with families who are expecting a child or have at least one child between the ages of 0-17 years and are experiencing issues including family violence, drug and alcohol issues, mental health issues,… 
Blacktown, NSW

02 8887 4800

143. Blacktown Area Community Centres Inc. (Head Office)

BACC is a group of Neighbourhood centres that exist to provide information, activities and supports to people in the local community. A range of activities, supports, classes and referral services for senior adults; mothers; adolescents;… 
Quakers Hill, NSW

02 9626 5312

144. Department Communities and Justice, Family and Community Services - Blacktown

NSW agency with statutory responsibility for protecting children and young people from risk of significant harm. Information on Children?s Court, Out-of-home care, Permanency Support Program (PSP), Guardianship, Adoption, fostering, relative… 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9852 3200

145. Blacktown Meals on Wheels (MOW) Services Inc

Delivers services to frail, older people (aged 65 years and over or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) and who need assistance with daily living to remain living independently at home and in the community.… 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9622 6183

146. Blacktown Hospital - Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy Service

Pastoral Care recognises that admission to hospital is often a crisis experience and offers you support and an opportunity to explore your emotional and spiritual concerns. Provides spiritual and emotional support to patients, families and… 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9881 8193, 02 988

147. Meals on Wheels and Social Support - Blayney

Meals are delivered on Mondays by volunteers. The cost of the meals is subsidised through the Home and Community Care Program. Frozen meals only are available. Provides Social Support to seniors and people with disability. 
Blayney, New South Wales

02 6368 3748

148. Blue Mountains Food Services Inc

Provides meals on wheels, centre based meals and/or frozen food service to frail aged and younger people with disabilities, mental health problems and their carers. Also do Social Support for eligible clients and a cooking group for seniors. 
Lawson, NSW

02 4759 2811

149. Anglicare - The Cecil House

The Cecil house is for people who are at risk of homelessness. 
Katoomba, NSW

1300 111 278

150. Department Communities and Justice, Family and Community Services - Blue Mountains

NSW agency with statutory responsibility for protecting children and young people from risk of significant harm. Information on Children?s Court, Out-of-home care, Permanency Support Program (PSP), Guardianship, Adoption, fostering, relative… 
Faulconbridge, NSW

02 4752 2600

151. Bodington Aged Care Facility

Bodington is a 120 place residential aged care community providing low, high and dementia specific support to the aged and frail aged. 
Wentworth Falls, NSW

1800 225 474, 02 475

152. Belong Blue Mountains - Volunteer Home Visitors

Provides a home visiting service for people over 65 years and their carers which aims to assist these people to live in their own homes as long as possible. Volunteer Home Visitors provide company, outings, friendly phone calls, a home… 
Blaxland, NSW

02 4739 1164, 02 478

153. Thrive Services

Service provides practical and emotional assistance to families and individuals and couples without children. Practical assistance includes emergency relief for food and bills and/or food parcels, electricity, natural gas vouchers and water rates. 
Katoomba, New South Wales

02 4782 1555

154. Blue Mountains Palliative Support Service

Provides free help and support to people with a life-limiting illness, their carers and families using trained volunteers. The service now covers from Lapstone to Lithgow. 
Lawson, NSW

02 4709 6053

155. Department Communities and Justice, Family and Community Services - Nyngan

NSW agency with statutory responsibility for protecting children and young people from risk of significant harm. Information on Children?s Court, Out-of-home care, Permanency Support Program (PSP), Guardianship, Adoption, fostering, relative… 
Nyngan, NSW

02 6831 1000

156. MacKillop Family Services

Family Strengthening Services in Brewarrina, Coonamble and Walgett. Services include Child, Youth and Family working with children, young people and families who experience complex issues. Disability Programs to support children and young… 
Nyngan, NSW

0428 322 699

157. Bombala Health Service

Community health Nurse provides nursing services in the home eg: wound care and health assessment. Visiting services-Women's health, dietitian, diabetic nurse, audiometry nurse, counsellor-general and sexual assault, mental health worker,… 
Bombala, NSW

1800 999 880; 02 645

158. Bombala Community Service

Provides community transport, food services, centre based day-care for frail aged and people with disability and their carers. Home maintenance and modifications, case management, social support and domestic assistance. 
Bombala, NSW

02 6458 4620

159. Meals on Wheels - Bombala

Fresh meals are delivered 5 days per week excluding public holidays. Frozen Meals also available 
Bombala, NSW

02 6458 4620

160. Snowy Monaro Regional Council

Provides a range of community services: meals on wheels, home help, home modifications and maintenance. Peer support for the frail aged, young people with disabilities and their carers in the Snowy River Shire. Multi-purpose range of… 
Berridale, NSW

1300 345 345