Results 181 - 200 of 3061



181. Abbeyfield Society ACT Inc

A home for seniors who are over 65 years and are on low incomes. It is an opportunity to live in a small community of 10 people with privacy, independence and security at Ainslie. Weekday meals are provided by a full time housekeeper. and… 
Ainslie, ACT

02 6254 4841

182. Mental Health Service Queanbeyan

Three services operate - Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Adult Mental Health and Older Persons Mental Health. Provides assessment, case management, referral, counselling and support for people with a mental illness and their family.… 
Queanbeyan, NSW

02 6150 7070

183. Woden Community Service (WCS) Disability Support

Provides direct support to people living with a disability, who have a NDIS plan. WCS will assist you to develop and maintain skills and increase personal independence while participating in your community. Supports include transitioning to… 
Woden, ACT

02 6282 2644

184. Dr Michael Rosier, Paediatrician

Paediatrician, provides comprehensive assessment and management of paediatric medical issues, has a special interest in paediatric epilepsy and includes children with cerebral palsy. Also attends to children with Developmental Delay,… 
Bruce, ACT

02 6253 3011

185. Dr Geoff Speldewinde, Rehabilitation Medicine Physician

Physician, whose practice includes the therapeutic use of Botulinum Toxin Type A for the management of spasticity in adults. 
Deakin, ACT

02 6282 6240

186. Connecting Young Carers to Life Opportunities and Personalised Support (CYCLOPS) ACT

Program supporting young people up to the age of 25 years, who care for a family member experiencing disability, mental health issues, alcohol and other drug related issues or chronic illness. 
Civic, ACT

02 6232 2488

187. Children and Young People Equipment Loan Service (CAYPELS)

Provides specialised equipment for loan to ACT residents up to and including the age of 16 years. Specialised equipment include wheelchairs, seating systems, hoists, standing frames, walking frames, personal care items, shower commodes 
Holder, Australian Capital Territory

02 6205 1277

188. Post-Polio Support Group ACT

A range of Centre and community-based activities and programs. Services include Seniors Social Support Service (aged care), Leisure Link (disability service), and Youth Services programs. 
Goulburn, New South Wales

02 4823 4478

189. Koomarri

Provides customised employment opportunities, complex case management, support coordination, community access, residential services and skills development courses for people with disability in the Canberra district. NDIS registered. Classes,… 
Phillip, ACT

02 6280 6143

190. Futures Faculty Canberra College

Support for Year 11 and 12 students with disability for education in the ACT Government Education system. This includes students with a range of disabilities including cognitive, mental health, physical. We have inclusive support as well as… 
Phillip, ACT

02 6142 3296, 0435 6

191. Arthritis Self Management Course

Provides people living with arthritis or any chronic condition the opportunity to make adjustments to their lifestyles. Self management courses are run at various times and venues. Hydrotherapy specialists available booking available. 
Bruce, ACT

02 6251 2055

192. Arthritis Foundation of the ACT including Osteoporosis ACT

Aims to reduce the incidence and severity of arthritis, osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions through the use of education programs, self management courses and physical therapies delivered by Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists. 
Bruce, ACT

02 6251 2055; 1800 0

193. Community Options Inc

Provides a wide range of in home and community based services to older people, people with disabilities and their families. Services include personal care, social support, community access, domestic assistance, case management and… 
Griffith, ACT

02 6295 8800

194. Focus ACT

Focus ACis an NDIS Registered provider of Supported Independent Living, Dietetics, other Allied Health Services and Housing Supports. Focus is one of 13 Community Housing Providers in Canberra, specializing in intellectual and psychosocial disability 
Deakin, Australian Capital Territory

02 6282 9422

195. RAID

Offers weekly programs including basketball and body skills. Participants are encouraged to develop and maintain such skills as gross and fine motor skills, soft equipment use, ball skills, fitness, basic coordination, community access and… 
Chifley, ACT

02 6281 0124

196. EveryMan

Domestic and family violence prevention services, crisis and longer-term counselling, information and referral, accommodation support, case management and outreach services for people living with disabilities or at risk of homelessness.… 
Civic, ACT

02 6230 6999

197. Centrelink TTY

Centrelink services through TTY for people who are deaf or have hearing or speech impairment. 
Canberra, ACT

1800 810 586

198. Sjogrens Syndrome Rheumatoid Interest Support Group

Provides information, contacts and informal meetings. Contact the Arthritis Foundation ACT for details. Meets at 12pm second Thursday of the month (February to November) at the Hellenic Club, Phillip. 
Bruce, ACT

02 6251 2055

199. CIT Skills for Carers

Provides information and training for family members or friends who provide unpaid support to an older person, or a person with a disability or mental illness. Workshops, short courses and individual sessions available across ACT. 
Bruce, ACT

02 6207 3628

200. ACT and Districts Stoma Association Inc

Provides advice, comfort and support to all people who have had or are about to have major surgery for intestinal cancer, bladder surgery and similar medical conditions resulting in the formation of a stoma. 
Canberra, ACT

02 5124 4888