Results 141 - 160 of 3993



141. St Vincent's Outreach Services

We provide out patient Community nursing, physiotherapy , occupational therapy and dementia support services. We also provide Stepping On groups, Post stroke groups, Life groups, Parkinson groups and Carer Support groups in house 
Bathurst, NSW

02 6332 8900

142. New Horizons

Provides a wide range of community care services for older people, people with a disability, people with a mental health or dementia, and the carers. New Horizons is a registered NDIS provider. New Horizons is a registered Home Care Package… 
Bathurst, NSW

02 6338 2345

143. Bathurst Early Childhood Intervention Service (BECIS)

BECIS provides education and therapy services for children from birth to 12 who have a diagnosed disability or a delay in more than one of the following areas of development; physical, thinking and learning, communication, play, sensory,… 
Bathurst, NSW

02 6338 4453

144. Vivability Inc

Programs coordinates and supports the provision of regular and occasional respite care to families including a person with a disability. A preventative approach to the premature or inappropriate institution through relief to primary… 
Bathurst, NSW

02 6301 9502

145. Audiology Clinic - Bega Community Health Services

Child and adult hearing assessments. No GP referrals required. Free Service 
Bega, NSW

1800 999 880

146. Pambula Community Health Centre

Provides a wide range of services which aim to improve the health and wellbeing of clients and their families that include Aboriginal Health; Aged Care Assessment; Audiology; Breast Care Nurse; Cardiac Rehabilitation; Child and Family;… 
Pambula, NSW

02 6495 8350

147. Bega Valley Mental Health Services

Assists clients with a mental illness & their carers, also people with other major emotional problems that significantly disrupt life and ability to function. Provides assessment, support and various forms of treatment from a… 
Pambula, NSW

02 6495 8300

148. Speech Pathology - Bega Valley Community Health Services

A service for children between 0-8 years with communication, speech, language, literacy, fluency, feeding and swallowing difficulties. Also adults who experience acquired communication and swallowing difficulties. 
Bega, NSW

1800 999 880

149. WorkAbility

Employment, Training and Placement service which specialises in assisting people with a disability to secure and maintain award wages in open employment. WorkAbility assists the job seeker to find suitable work, provides on the job training… 
Bega, NSW

02 6413 5460

150. Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Community and Medical Services

Aboriginal Medical Service. Provides primary health care services for Aboriginal people living on the Far South Coast of NSW from Ulladulla to Victorian border. Services including medical, dental, community health, family health, counselling 
Bega, NSW

02 6492 0532, 02 649

151. Community Health Team - Tocumwal and Finley

Community Health Team offering Domiciliary and generalist community nursing, Occupational Therapy and Generalist Counsellor, Speech Pathologist, Early Childhood Nurse, Sexual Assault worker, Dietitian, Alcohol and other Drug Worker. Adult… 
Finley, NSW

03 5883 9100 Finley

152. Adventist Aged Care - Kings Langley

Residential aged care accommodation of 78 beds, shared and single. Independent living units, level four and in Village 
Kings Langley, NSW

02 8834 6100

153. Blacktown Women's and Girls' Health Centre (BWGHC)

Provides a wide range of women's health and associated services including legal advice; court advocacy and support via NWS WDVCAS; naturopathy; counselling; massage; yoga therapeutic and social groups and activities; specialist domestic… 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9831 2070

154. Western Sydney Mental Health Services

Western Sydney Local Health District Mental Health Services is here to support people with a range of mental illnesses and disorders. No matter what your age or background, they can offer support via a range of services. 
New South Wales

155. Blacktown/Mount Druitt Sexual Assault Service

Specialist service that provides support, individual and group counselling for children, adolescents and adults (Male and female) who have been sexually assaulted together with services for non-offending family members. Also provides… 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9881 8700 (Switch

156. Blacktown Community Health Centre - Podiatry Service

The podiatrists at Blacktown Community Health Centre try to improve the foot health of people who are at risk of foot complications and our goal is to prevent hospitalisation and foot amputations. 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9881 8700

157. Blacktown Community Health Centre - Speech Pathology Service

Provides speech pathology assessment and treatment to children aged 0-7 years with language, speech, hearing, voice and feeding difficulties. 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9881 8700 (Recept

158. Catholic Care - Blacktown Family Support Service

Provides early intervention support, including parenting education, specialised counselling, playgroup, mums group and intensive family preservation to residents of the Blacktown Local Government Area. 
Blacktown, NSW

02 8843 2530

159. Blacktown Hospital - Social Work Service

Provides social work services to all the main wards of the hospital. The social work service provides a range of services including counselling, advocacy, practical and emotional support, and residential aged care placements. 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9881 7075

160. Blacktown Community Health Centre

Provides a range of community health services. Individual teams and services have separate records in the database. Clients must live, work or attend school/preschool in the Blacktown Local Government Area. 
Blacktown, NSW

02 9881 8700 (Switch