
Forward Ability Support ParaQuad NSW

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Not-for-profit association that aims to support people with a spinal cord injury or other paralysis to achieve their choices in life.

Provide: Accommodation services for people with transitional and long term care needs; Information, advocacy and assistance; Personal Care Services which provides in-home support to people with physical disability; Community Support and Wellbeing Service which provides specialist spinal nursing, occupational therapy and social work services; Scholarship Program for people with a spinal cord injury. Specialist Health Care Products such as continence, wound care, skin care and mobility aids through BrightSky Australia; Training, Education and community awareness programs.

Registered NDIS provider
Local Service Provider
Alternative Names:
Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association of NSW, ParaQuad NSW
Close to buses (Stop on Ave of Africa, routes 525, 526, 540, 544)
Accessible Facilities:
Wheelchair accessible including toilets
Not necessary if you are a member, but some services requires membership
Areas Served:
Last review date:
2/9/20 14:17
6 Holker St, Newington, NSW 2127

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