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Offer NeurOptimal Neurofeedback sessions, which are highly effective in regulating the nervous system to promote mental wellness. Our sessions provide a natural and safe way to manage stress, improve focus, and achieve a peaceful state of mind. By assisting with nervous system regulation, our non-invasive and drug-free sessions can help individuals better cope with the challenges of neurodiverse and psychosocial conditions. Our transformative experience can help increase resilience and flexibility, empowering individuals to live their lives to the fullest. Whether you're looking to enhance your learning capacity or boost self-esteem, Quiet Minds is here to support you. We offer tailored Neurofeedback sessions at our Burleigh Heads location or in the comfort of your private setting. Registered NDIS provider.
Local Service Provider
Areas Served:
Gold Coast
Last review date:
Shop 6, 109 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Waters, Queensland 4220 Australia

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