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The Anne McDonald Centre for people who are unable to talk, or talk clearly, as a result of cerebral palsy; strokes; accidental brain damage; autism; intellectual disadvantage or other disabilities. Expertise includes speech pathology, special education and augmentative communication. Clients are accessed individually and then found a functional means of communication e.g. electronic communication device, symbol board or alphabet board. The Anne McDonald Centre establishes training programs to improve clients' skills. They also lend aids so that clients can practice their skills and make informed decisions about obtaining equipment. Clients may be eligible for government-funded communication aids. Resource centre.
Local Service Provider
Alternative Names:
DEAL Communication Centre
Opposite Malvern Railway Station
Accessible Facilities:
wheelchair accessible
Referrals are not needed - phone the centre to give details and make an appointment
Areas Served:
Last review date:
21/10/21 0:00

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