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Provides support to parents who have received a diagnosis of foetal abnormality. Services include: support for on-going pregnancy, pre and post-termination counselling where a foetal abnormality has been diagnosed and prenatal testing services. Paediatric diagnostic genetic clinic, adult general Genetic Clinic, adult neurogenetic clinic and cardiac genetic clinic. Predictive genetic counselling and testing for adult genetic conditions. Liaison with IVF services for preimplantation. Genetic diagnosis, newborn screening for Cystic Fibrosis, follow up and counselling service.
Local Service Provider
Alternative Names:
Support After Diagnosis of Fetal Abnormality (SADFA)
Accessible Facilities:
wheelchair accessible
A referral is required to make an appointment.
Areas Served:
Last review date:
24/1/22 0:00
Special Medicine Cen 246 Clayton Rd, Clayton, VIC 3168

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