
St Joseph's Hospital - Social Work Department

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Provides a comprehensive social work service to inpatients of St Joseph's Hospital.This Hospital specializes in General and Aged Care Rehabilitaion, Aged Care Psychiatry and Palliative care. Outpatients are seen by referral only. No persons under 18 years of age.
Local Service Provider
Languages (other than English):
Cantonese and Greek
Close to trains (Auburn station)
Accessible Facilities:
Parking, wheelchair access
Referral required for outpatients from Doctor, or other Health Professional
Areas Served:
Auburn LGA; The Hills; Blacktown LGA; Hawkesbury LGA; Holroyd LGA; Parramatta LGA; Penrith LGA
Last review date:
29/8/21 0:00
St Joseph's Hospital Normanby Rd, Auburn, NSW 2144

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