
Westmead Hospital - Intestinal Failure Service

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Provides both total enteral nutrition (TEN) and total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Multidisciplinary team includes Clinical Nurse Consultant, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Specialist Clinical Pharmacist, Specialist Dietitian, Upper GI, colorectal, gastroenterology and Intensive Care Consultants. Our inpatient service manages patient's nutritional needs with the aim of providing a more holistic approach and to decrease length of stay. Our outpatient service covers a wide geographical area, extending to many rural areas, for both enteral and parenteral nutrition.
Local Service Provider
Alternative Names:
formerly Westmead Hospital - Nutritional Support (intestinal failure) service
Languages (other than English):
Interpreters available on request
Accessible Facilities:
parking, ramp, lifts and toilets
Referral required from a Gastroenterologist at Westmead hospital
Areas Served:
Auburn LGA; The Hills; Blacktown LGA; Greater Lithgow LGA; Hawkesbury LGA; Holroyd LGA; Penrith LGA; Parramatta LGA
Last review date:
29/10/21 0:00
Westmead Hospital, L Cnr Hawkesbury Rd and Darcy Rd, Westmead, NSW 2145

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