Results 1 - 20 of 3061



2. Cancer Information and Support Society

Self help group for cancer patients, their families, friends and anyone interested in the prevention of degenerative disease. Provides information on cancer biology, therapies and the efficacy of alternative approaches 
St Leonards, NSW

02 9906 2189

3. Casuarina Lodge

Provides short term accommodation for patients who are receiving treatment from Westmead Hospital, Westmead Children Hospital or Westmead Private Hospital, and their families. 
Westmead, NSW

02 8890 6900

4. Lifeline

A free 24 hour telephone and web based crisis support and suicide prevention service. Provides crisis support for issues such as depression, domestic and family violence, family and relationship problems, financial problems, loneliness and… 

13 11 14 (24 hours)

5. Redkite

Assists with practical, financial and mental health support for families who have a child with cancer aged 18 or under. Counselling and Social Work. Support with grief and bereavement. 
Surry Hills, NSW

1800 592 420; 02 921

6. Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling Service

A national, free and confidential counselling service that specialises in helping veterans and their families 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. They can help you with a wide range of issues relating to employment, relationships, past trauma,… 
Brisbane, QLD

1800 011 046 (24 hou

7. Butterfly Foundation

Butterfly Foundation provides support to all those affected by eating disorders and body image issues - a person with the illness, their family and their friends, by offering: a National Helpline; Learning and Professional Training; Support… 

02 9412 4499, 1800 3

8. Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia

Improved quality of life for all Australians living with allergic disease. The trusted charity for allergy support. Listen, guide and educate Australians living with allergic disease. We advocate on their behalf to ensure their voice is heard. 
Castle Hill, New South Wales

1300 728 000

9. Marie Stopes Australia

Marie Stopes Australia is a provider of safe abortion, vasectomy and contraception provider helping women and men take full control of their reproductive lives. Patients are fully supported by a specialised team of practitioners providing,… 
Melbourne, VIC

1300 003 707

10. Deaf Australia

Deaf Australia is the national peak organisation for Deaf people in Australia. It is a not-for-profit and represents the views and needs of Deaf people who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language). It is a consumer organisation, only Deaf… 
Thornbury, VIC

11. Allergy and Environmental Sensitivity Support and Research Association Inc (AESSRA)

Run by and for people with allergies and sensitivities to foods, chemicals, electromagnetic radiation and in particular Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). Information is provided about treatment, services and products. 

12. Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation Inc

Provides phone support for alopecia areata sufferers, regular meetings and annual workshop which offers the opportunity to exchange information on the condition and the development of personal skills to cope with the everyday difficulties… 
Redland Bay, QLD

13. Crohn's and Colitis Australia

Provides education, understanding and confidential support to people with inflammatory bowel disease and their families. Services include telephone support service. Up to date information. Public meetings. Annual awareness week activities.… 
Hawthorn, VIC

03 9815 1266

14. The Billings Ovulation Method

Provides a range of programs including telephone counselling service, natural family planning teaching and promotion. Can provide details of trained educators throughout Australia. 
Surrey Hills, Victoria

03 9802 2022

15. Cystic Fibrosis Australia

National body comprising member State Associations. Assists member organisations to achieve common objectives by developing national education programs and collecting and distributing information about Cystic Fibrosis at national and… 
North Ryde, NSW

02 9889 5171

16. DEBRA Australia

DEBRA Australia is a not for profit volunteer based organisation which aims to educate and support families living with EB, investigate and implement programs to help EB sufferers to improve their care and quality of life, offer financial… 
Pittsworth, QLD

07 4693 7003, 0427 9

17. Diabetes Australia - National Office

Diabetes Australia is a national peak body for diabetes in Australia. Diabetes Australia works in partnership with health professionals, educators and researchers to minimise the impact of diabetes in the Australian community. Diabetes… 
Turner, ACT

1300 136 588 (Infoli

18. Jean Hailes for Women's Health

Jean Hailes for Women's Health is a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving the knowledge of women's health throughout the various stages of their lives, and to provide a trusted world-class health service for women. 
Clayton, VIC

1800 532 642

19. Haemophilia Foundation Australia Inc

Provides support, information and representation for all people affected by haemophilia, von Willebrand disorder and related inherited bleeding disorders. Aims to improve care, treatment and quality of life through representation and… 
Malvern East, VIC

1800 807 173

20. Acoustic Neuroma Association of Australia Inc

Non-profit organisation providing support and information for people affected by acoustic neuroma or other tumours which affect the cranial nerves. 

0404 582 356