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Provides a full range of design and building services to improve access requirements for people with mobility challenges. From door widening, a wheelchair ramp, a bathroom modification, a new adaptable home or a remodeling of entire premises. Offers clients a comprehensive Access Consulting and Building service to assist with achieving the complex compliance requirements of their buildings, facilities and services. Also your first choice to provide: Access Audits & Compliance, Access Appraisals, Disability Action Plans, Building New & Improved Access. Accessible Design and construction can assist in design and build: Accessible bathrooms, laundries & kitchens, Ramps & Rails, Stair lifts, low rise lifts & limited mobility lifts and Access to the outdoors. For private homes and apartments and commercial premises including schools aged care, retail and more.
Local Service Provider
Areas Served:
Sydney Metro
Last review date:
23/4/21 7:54
158 Macquarie Rd , Greystanes, NSW 2145

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