
Griffith Meals on Wheels Inc.

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Community-based service providing hot and frozen meals for frail aged, people with disability and others within the community who are unable to or have trouble with regular food preparation. Meals are delivered seven days per week by volunteers. Meals are delivered hot or cold. Hot meals are delivered 7 days a week. Frozen meals are delivered on a fortnightly basis (on Tuesday). Also, provide a free rescue program called Hampers of Hope which is available to anyone in the community experiencing hardship and requires short or long term food assistance. This program is referral based only.
Local Service Provider
Alternative Names:
Griffith Meals On Wheels Inc
Languages (other than English):
Accessible Facilities:
ramp, parking and toilets
Areas Served:
Last review date:
14/4/21 16:34
Yambil Hub 16 Yambil St, Griffith, NSW 2680

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