
Valmar Support Services

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Valmar supports individuals with disabilities who have a current NDIS plan. Supports include Supported Independent Living, Individual Living Options, in-home supports include Self-care and Domestic Assistance. The Day Programs and Lifestyle Connections offer community, social and recreational activities in both group and individual settings. Valmar also assists school leavers with post-school preparations and employment support. Support options are available in the ACT and Southern NSW. Valmar operates four Social Enterprises, proving employment options to people with disabilities in the Tumut region. Valmar also provides Homecare Packages for the frail aged and Community Transport for the frail aged and disadvantaged.
Local Service Provider
Alternative Names:
Valmar Support Services Limited - Nsw; Valmar Support Services Limited - Act
Accessible Facilities:
Head Office and Day Programs -ramps and toilets
Areas Served:
Last review date:
29/3/21 14:26
63-65 Russell St , Tumut, NSW 2720

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