Results 1 - 20 of 1106



1. Lifeline

A free 24 hour telephone and web based crisis support and suicide prevention service. Provides crisis support for issues such as depression, domestic and family violence, family and relationship problems, financial problems, loneliness and… 

13 11 14 (24 hours)

2. Self Protection Consultancy

Provides self-defence and de-escalation packages for untrained men and women of all ages. Classes for people with a disability are arranged on an in-house basis. Specialises in workplace violence and anti-bullying strategies. GLBTIQ… 
Bondi Beach, NSW

0411 808 451

3. Conflict Resolution Network

Provides skills training in resolving conflict. Their podcast series 'Resolve conflict: Everyone can win' is a free download, available on most podcast apps. CRN supports individuals, trainers and students. There is a free 500 page trainers… 

02 9419 8500

4. Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia

Improved quality of life for all Australians living with allergic disease. The trusted charity for allergy support. Listen, guide and educate Australians living with allergic disease. We advocate on their behalf to ensure their voice is heard. 
Castle Hill, NSW

1300 728 000

5. Deaf Australia

Deaf Australia is the national peak organisation for Deaf people in Australia. It is a not-for-profit and represents the views and needs of Deaf people who use Auslan (Australian Sign Language). It is a consumer organisation, only Deaf… 
Thornbury, VIC

6. Private Health Insurance Ombudsman

Provides an independent service to help consumers with health insurance problems and enquiries. Also deals with complaints from health insurers, private hospitals or medical practitioners. Complaints must be about a health insurance arrangement. 

1300 362 072

7. Crohn's and Colitis Australia

Provides education, understanding and confidential support to people with inflammatory bowel disease and their families. Services include telephone support service. Up to date information. Public meetings. Annual awareness week activities.… 
Hawthorn, VIC

03 9815 1266

8. Cystic Fibrosis Australia

National body comprising member State Associations. Assists member organisations to achieve common objectives by developing national education programs and collecting and distributing information about Cystic Fibrosis at national and… 
North Ryde, NSW

02 9889 5171

9. Diabetes Australia - National Office

Diabetes Australia is a national peak body for diabetes in Australia. Diabetes Australia works in partnership with health professionals, educators and researchers to minimise the impact of diabetes in the Australian community. Diabetes… 
Turner, ACT

1300 136 588 (Infoli

10. Haemophilia Foundation Australia Inc

Provides support, information and representation for all people affected by haemophilia, von Willebrand disorder and related inherited bleeding disorders. Aims to improve care, treatment and quality of life through representation and… 
Malvern East, VIC

1800 807 173

11. Occupational Therapy Australia

Occupational Therapy Australia is the peak professional body representing the interests of occupational therapists across the country. Use our Find an OT Directory to search for an occupational therapist in your area. 
Fitzroy, VIC

1300 682 878

12. Centre for Incusive design

Centre for Inclusive Design advocates for and promotes inclusive design in Australia. Networks with experts and global partners to promote innovation and global best practice Inclusive Design so everyone has the opportunity to connect and be… 
Sydney, NSW

02 9212 6242

13. Leukodystrophy Australia

A support group for people with Leukodystrophy and their families which aims to provide; emotional, practical, financial support, Information and advocacy, Professional liaison with local services, Information via social media. It also aims to… 
Blackburn, VIC

1800 141 400

14. Australian Multiple Birth Association - National Office

Umbrella organisation for groups throughout Australia that support parents who are expecting or have multiple births (twins, triplets, quads, and quins). It also provides support for bereaved families and those with special needs. 

1300 886 499

15. Continence Foundation of Australia Ltd (CFA)

Continence Foundation of Australia provides information around bladder and bowel health. The continence foundation of Australia provides free information on funding, referral and products. Also provided resources for individuals, careers and… 
Surrey Hills, VIC

03 8692 8400 (Office

16. Fabry Australia Inc

Fabry Australia is a not-for-profit community organisation formed by patients, relatives and friends of those with Fabry Disease. Is a source of information, support and assistance on issues related to Fabry Disease. Also acts on behalf of… 

0412 462 732

17. Haemochromatosis Australia

Provides support, advocacy and information for people affected by haemochromatosis and their families. 

1300 019 028

18. Heart Support Australia (HSA) Ltd Head Office

National Peak Body and volunteer heart patient support organisation with a network of branches around Australia. Provides socialisation, information and support to heart patients and their families. 
Phillip, ACT

02 6253 0097

19. Motor Neurone Disease Australia Inc (MNDA)

This umbrella organisation for state Motor Neurone Disease associations encourages flow of information internationally and within Australia. It influences policy, provides information, raises awareness, and promotes and funds MND research. 
Deakin, ACT

02 8287 4980

20. Cancer Australia

Aims to reduce the impact of cancer by translating worldwide research into evidence based information-improving health service delivery, strengthening national data capacity informing people with cancer about their diagnosis and treatment… 
Surry Hills, NSW

02 9357 9400, 1800 6