Results 1 - 20 of 3994



1. Lifeline

A free 24 hour telephone and web based crisis support and suicide prevention service. Provides crisis support for issues such as depression, domestic and family violence, family and relationship problems, financial problems, loneliness and… 

13 11 14 (24 hours)

2. Redkite

Assists with practical, financial and mental health support for families who have a child with cancer aged 18 or under. Counselling and Social Work. Support with grief and bereavement. 
Surry Hills, NSW

1800 592 420; 02 921

3. Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling Service

A national, free and confidential counselling service that specialises in helping veterans and their families 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. They can help you with a wide range of issues relating to employment, relationships, past trauma,… 
Brisbane, QLD

1800 011 046 (24 hou

4. Marie Stopes Australia

Marie Stopes Australia is a provider of safe abortion, vasectomy and contraception provider helping women and men take full control of their reproductive lives. Patients are fully supported by a specialised team of practitioners providing,… 
Melbourne, VIC

1300 003 707

5. Billings Leaders in Fertility Education (LIFE) - National Office

Provides a range of programs including telephone counselling service, natural family planning teaching and promotion. Can provide details of trained educators throughout Australia. Used by millions of women around the world to become… 
East Burwood, VIC

1800 335 860, 03 980

6. Diabetes Australia - National Office

Diabetes Australia is a national peak body for diabetes in Australia. Diabetes Australia works in partnership with health professionals, educators and researchers to minimise the impact of diabetes in the Australian community. Diabetes… 
Turner, ACT

1300 136 588 (Infoli

7. Audiology Australia

Audiology Australia is the peak accrediting professional member organisation for audiologists in Australia. Website provides details of where to find an audiologist to access hearing care, free resources related to hearing health and audiology 

03 9940 3900

8. Occupational Therapy Australia

Occupational Therapy Australia is the peak professional body representing the interests of occupational therapists across the country. Use our Find an OT Directory to search for an occupational therapist in your area. 
Fitzroy, VIC

1300 682 878

9. Leukodystrophy Australia

A support group for people with Leukodystrophy and their families which aims to provide; emotional, practical, financial support, Information and advocacy, Professional liaison with local services, Information via social media. It also aims to… 
Blackburn, VIC

1800 141 400

10. Australian Multiple Birth Association - National Office

Umbrella organisation for groups throughout Australia that support parents who are expecting or have multiple births (twins, triplets, quads, and quins). It also provides support for bereaved families and those with special needs. 

1300 886 499

11. Nutrition Australia

Nutrition information service which aims to promote fitness and better health by encouraging healthy eating. 
Docklands, Victoria

0405 783 372

12. Burns Support Foundation Inc

Provides support to burns survivors, their family and friends to help ease their return to a regular lifestyle. Also provides a newsletter and runs two family weekend camps each year. Should you feel that you need to speak with a counsellor… 

0438 906 617

13. CICADA Australia Inc

Provides support and advice for pre and post cochlear implantees and families. Also provides opportunities to meet others socially and share information. Monthly morning teas and weekend social BBQs and Guest Speaker 4 times per year. 
Gladesville, NSW

14. Cri Du Chat Support Group Ltd

Provides information, support and social contact for families who have a member with Cri Du Chat Syndrome. Also holds annual meetings and facilitates a Facebook discussion group. 

03 9728 3327

15. Fabry Australia Inc

Fabry Australia is a not-for-profit community organisation formed by patients, relatives and friends of those with Fabry Disease. Is a source of information, support and assistance on issues related to Fabry Disease. Also acts on behalf of… 

0412 462 732

16. Fragile X Association of Australia Inc

Provides services and support to people affected by Fragile X syndrome and its related conditions and to their families and carers, including a free FX counselling service (Zoom or phone). Hosts educational webinars. 
Brookvale, NSW

1300 394 636

17. Haemochromatosis Australia

Provides support, advocacy and information for people affected by haemochromatosis and their families. 

1300 019 028

18. IFFA (Interuption for Fetal Abnormality) Support Group

Provides support and information to parents who have undergone an interruption of pregnancy for foetal abnormality. Services include parent contacts, support group meetings, newsletter and library. Group meets 1st Wed of each month, contact… 

02 4967 7413

19. Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Newborn Death Support (SANDS)

Volunteer-based organisation providing individualised care from one bereaved parent to another, giving them support and hope for the future, following the death of a baby. 
Surrey Hills, VIC

1300 308 307 (24 hou

20. Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia

Provides services and support to people with Tourette syndrome and their families. Services include telephone and email support, support groups, TSAA Facebook page, quarterly newsletters and access to publications and up to date resources on… 
Nedlands, WA

02 9382 3726