
Image of the word dementia spelled out by wooden blocks with letters on them. The blocks are positioned on a window sill.

Creating a home environment that is safe and promotes independence for someone with dementia can be a challenging task.  However, by understanding how dementia affects someone, the house can be altered accordingly to ensure that the person is able to perform everyday tasks as safely and independently as possible.

Gardening has many health and therapeutic benefits for people with disability and older people. Garden beds, equipment and tools can all be modified to create an accessible garden. Read the accessible gardening tips here.

Graphic of a person in a wheelchair in front of a ramp a steps

People with disability face barriers to travel every day. IDEAS is here to provide information that supports your travel decision-making, based on your individual needs.

Image of a microphone at a lectern in a formal inquiry chamber

Bill Shorten MP, Shadow Minister for the NDIS and former Opposition Leader, has reiterated the disability sector’s calls for two disability royal commissioners to be stood down due to a “recent, extensive and significant” conflict of interest.

The Community Engagement team have been busy attending Post School Options Expos across the state. At these expos, we meet many worried parents and carers and equally excited students. Not to mention dedicated teachers and Principals!

Image of smiling elderly Aboriginal man sitting outside at a table with a hot drink.

The proper mourning of the loss of a family or community member, called "Sorry Business", is of significant importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. However, some organisations or individuals may exploit the cultural importance associated with Sorry Business for their own financial gain.

Image of elderly couple smiling with their arms around each other and standing in front of a house.

Elderly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people want to remain at home with their families and communities in their later years, so it is important to create a safe environment inside their homes to improve their quality of life and level of independence.

Image of elderly woman experiencing pleasure listening to headphones

A personalised music program is being trialled by the Geraldton Rotary Club in Western Australia to support people living with dementia. The program began in December 2018 when 400 headsets were distributed. This number was for each member of the community diagnosed with dementia.

businessmen holding a shield and tick symbol

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has continued to roll out its service delivery across Australia. As of 1 July 2019, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission now provides support and quality control for NDIS participants in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Woman using mobile device with apps floating in air above device

The Vision Australia Connect App is free and connects to the online library catalogue using a smartphone, iPad, tablet or other compatible devices. It is easy to download and use.