
SARS-CoV 2 coronavirus spore

COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) is the effect on the human body of SARS-CoV 2, which is a new virus closely related to SARS and in the same family of viruses as MERS. It has not been detected in humans before. It has caused a global pandemic, can cause serious illness and death and is highly contagious. 

Covers of 4 different docuements, with large pictures and words

A list of links to resources to support people who use Easy English, Easy Read or picture stories. These are about Coronavirus also called COVID-19. Topics include rules, mental health, help, money, support, self-help, staying safe, social bubbles and more.

Man in grey shirt looking out window at city buildings

For the vulnerable, immuno-compromised, voluntarily self-isolating, or those in quarantine, lockdown or mandatory isolation after overseas travel or close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 we’ve gathered some tips and activities to help you through.

Video call with a doctor

Australian Department of Health’s National Health Plan for Coronavirus (COVID-19) allows doctors, nurses, midwives and mental health professionals to deliver services via telehealth services as long as those services are bulk billed.

Stop the Spread and Stay Healthy

The Australian Department of Health has launched a national campaign to help all Australians be informed and prepared for the coronavirus pandemic.

virus spreading across world map

There is a new or "novel" coronavirus (now referred to as Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19) originating from Wuhan, Hubei Province in China with at least 27,513 cases confirmed in Australia with 905 deaths so far. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the spread of Coronavirus disease a pandemic.

A young girl with a plait in her hair and a thoughtful look on her face is hugging a teddy bear. The teddy is smiling.

January 2020 was a month many Australians want to forget. The remainder of the year has followed closely the same path. 

Image of First Aid Kit, Water Bottles, Batteries, radio and torch

With the emergencies we have all faced in recent history, the need to be prepared is again highlighted. Bushfires, Floods and a Pandemic. In the event you need to evacuate in a hurry, or you may be without power and clean drinking water, a little planning now will spare you precious time.