Covers of 4 different docuements, with large pictures and words

A list of links to resources to support people who use Easy English, Easy Read or picture stories. These are about Coronavirus also called COVID-19. Topics include rules, mental health, help, money, support, self-help, staying safe, social bubbles and more.

IDEAS continue to add new resources to this page as they become available. Things do keep changing so it is good to check back to see what the latest information is. You can also call us if there is something you would like help to find. Free Call: 1800 029 904.

Please think about who you might be able to share this information with, especially people who do not have access to the internet. Printing the resources for people can be helpful, as well as taking the time to go through them with them if needed.

Quicklinks to jump to a topic -

Access Easy English
Australian Government Services Australia 
Australian Government Department of Health
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
New South Wales Health
Collaboration for Inclusion
NDIS COVID-19 Resources
Down Syndrome Australia
The Growing Space
Council for Intellectual Disability (CID)
Inclusion Australia
The Information Access Group
Books Beyonds Words
Two Way Street
Guided Self-Help Booklets
Queenslanders with Disability Network
Scope and Key Word Sign Australia
Need help

Access Easy English

Access Easy English has made many factsheets and posters.
These are just some.

Victoria (From Access Easy English)

New South Wales (From Access Easy English)

Queensland (From Access Easy English)

Other Resources for Victoria can be viewed here.
Other Resources for Queensland can be viewed here.
Other New resources updated by Access Easy English can be viewed here

Australian Government Services Australia 

Easy Read pdfHow we’re helping people affected by coronavirus (COVID-19).
Easy Read pdfCoronavirus - Should you wear a mask?
Easy Read docxCoronavirus - Should you wear a mask? 

We are still waiting on the release of Easy English Information about the upcoming changes to JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments.

Australian Government Department of Health

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Our plan for keeping people with disability safe
Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for people with disability

Australian Government Department of Social Services

The below are links to multiple formats where available.

Coronavirus. What is it? 
Coronavirus. What do you need to know? 
Coronavirus FAQ 
Information and referrals for people with disability and their supporters about coronavirus (COVID-19)
Coronavirus. 5 things to do right now 
Coronavirus. Social Distancing
Coronavirus. Staying at Home
Coronavirus. Wearing a mask
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Accessible resources
Coronavirus Who can you call? 
Jobkeeper Payment Impacts on Carer Payment recipients
Jobkeeper Payment Impacts on Disability Support Pension
Getting a test - New 1/10/20
We are still waiting on the release of Easy English Information about the upcoming changes to JobKeeper and JobSeeker.

Victorian Department of Health and Human Services


Do I have to wear a face mask? - Easy English - Poster (PDF)
Do I have to wear a face mask? - Easy English - Handout (PDF)
Answers to your questions about face masks for people with disability 
Answers to your questions about face masks for support workers


pdfCall to Test  PDF
docxCall to Test Word
pdfCoronavirus - Emergency Relief Packages PDF
docxCoronavirus - Emergency Relief Packages Word
docxDo I have to wear a face mask? - Easy English (Word)
docxCoronavirus (COVID-19): Changes to disability supports and services (Word) (June 2020)
docxWhat to expect when you get disability services – Easy Read (Word)
docxCoronavirus - Looking after your mental health - Easy Read version - accessible (Word)
docxInformation to help with your mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19) – Easy Read (Word)
pdfWho can get free face masks in Victoria PDF 
docxWho can get free face masks in Victoria Word 
docxFace Coverings - FAQ for people with disability and their support workers Word 
pdfCoronavirus - Information for families with children with disability PDF
docxCoronavirus - Information for families with children with disability Word
docxSingle Social bubbles - What people with disability should know Word
docxSocial Bubbles - Information for Carers Word
docxCoronavirus and resources for people with disability - Aboriginal people, LGBTIQA+ people, CALD communities, Regional Victorians, Women. 
pdfAnswers to your questions about face masks for people with disability PDF
pdfAnswers to your questions about face masks for support workers PDF
pdfAbout Changes to restrictions to Victoria From Monday 9 November PDF
docxAbout Changes to restrictions to Victoria From Monday 9 November Word

New South Wales Health

Easy Read Resources and Children's Book
NSW Health - Directions under the Public Health Act
NSW Health - COVID-19 car testing 
NSW Health - COVID-19 hospital testing
NSW Health - What you must do under new coronavirus rules from 24 July 2020 * We noticed an error. The Disability Information Hotline operates Mon - Fri only. 
NSW Health COVID-19 Information for people with a Disability

pdfNSW Health - What you must do under new coronavirus rules from 24 July PDF * We noticed an error. The Disability Information Hotline operates Mon - Fri only.
pdfNSW Health - Closing the Border PDF
pdfHi - This is Coronavirus PDF
pdfGetting tested for COVID-19 PDF
pdfWhat Happens when you get your COVID-19 Test results PDF
pdfCOVID-19 Car Testing PDF
pdfCOVID-19 Hospital Testing PDF
pdfHow to Self-Isolate PDF

Collaboration for Inclusion

Has many COVID-19 Planning Resources for People with Disability, some are Easy Read.
These resources may help people to make plans about how they can manage their health, support, money and supplies at this time.

NDIS COVID-19 Resources

The NDIS developed a COVID-19 fact sheet for download available at this NDIS webpage.
And the NDIS Disaster Response have information in many languages including Auslan and Easy English.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and support

Down Syndrome Australia

Down Syndrome Australia have Easy-Read guides and Factsheets.

The Growing Space

The Growing Space has an Easy English document that explains isolation, closures and distance rules.

Council for Intellectual Disability (CID)

CID have developed Easy English guides. Staying Safe from Coronavirus and Look after your mental health during Coronavirus. These guides explain how to avoid getting sick from Coronavirus COVID-19. It also says what to do if you get sick. There are resources here on Coronavirus Rules, about the Covidsafe app, and staying at home. 

pdfLooking after your health during Coronavirus PDF
Looking after your health during Coronavirus - Link 
pdfIf you think you have Coronavirus - Easy Read PDF
pdfIf you think you have Coronavirus PDF
About the COVIDSafe app
About Money
Manage Your Money Link
pdfManage Your Money Download

Inclusion Australia

Not Easy Read, but another easy information source is a new animation. It was co-designed with people with intellectual disability.
COVIDSafe App: To download or not? explains that downloading the app is voluntary. It describes how the app works, what information you need to provide and how it can help protect you and others.

The Information Access Group

Official Government Easy Read Coronavirus resources listed by Department or Agency.

They have also made “Easy for Me" an easy-to-read magazine for people of all abilities. It helps give people ideas for keeping busy and staying connected while they are at home. It has recipes, puzzles and activities, and a helpful guide to online apps and programs.

Free resources to support people with a disability, 5 pictorial book covers

Books Beyond Words

Books Beyond Words has a range of books that can be downloaded for free. The books are picture stories and illustrated guides to support people with learning disabilities and autism through the coronavirus pandemic.

Beating the Virus

A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe. The story also shows how to safely help others who may be self-isolating.

Testing for coronavirus

  • Having a Test for Coronavirus
  • Having a Test for Coronavirus at a Drive Through Centre

Mental health, end of life and bereavement resources

  • Let’s talk about…when someone is ill or dies from coronavirus
  • Jack Plans Ahead for Coronavirus
  • When Someone Dies from Coronavirus

Two Way Street

Janelle Sampson at Two Way Street has Aided Language Display (ALD) boards. These are tips on talking with kids about Coronavirus and washing your hands.

Guided Self-Help Booklets

The Scottish Commission for Learning Disability have a series of guided self-help bookletsFor the support of people with mild to moderate learning/intellectual disabilities. The majority of the content is universal during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The booklets can be used with the support of family members, friends, volunteers and carers and are also suitable for social work and health professionals. The booklets give people with learning/intellectual disabilities an opportunity to talk through their feelings with people providing support to them. There is a guide for each booklet, explaining how the content can be delivered.


A free series of Downloadable posters are available - developed by Photosymbols on

How to stay safe
Coronavirus and Health issues 
What if you get ill 
Staying at home 
Please don't spread it 
You must stay at home 
Why we wear PPE

All these are in one place at Photosymbols Coronavirus Poster Set.

Queenslanders with Disability Network

pdfYour Emergency Plan for COVID-19
pdfMy COVID-19 plan PDF
docxMy COVID-19 Plan Word

Scope and Key Word Sign Australia

Scope and Key Word Sign Australia have resources to help you at this COVID-19 webpage. They include a key Word Sign poster on Tips on avoiding Coronavirus, Easy English Guide on How to Stay healthy and communication boards, task schedules, social stories and Easy English resources. Scroll through the page to access the resources.

Do you need a resource on a topic you cannot find?

Contact IDEAS and our Information Officers can help you.
Free Call: 1800 029 904 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

IDEAS does information so you can do life. We are a non-profit disability information provider. We provide information that is free, accurate and independent. Always. Connect with us today.