An Image of a young man with disability, holding a tennis racquet and ball.

Summer and sports in Australia are always hand in hand, cricket, surfing, swimming, and of course Tennis. Tennis is a sport for everyone, you can begin at any age. As well as being a social way to meet people and spend time with friends it is a non-impact sport and has many health benefits like being good for bone health.

Another benefit is that tennis aids improving muscle flexibility, strength and tone.

Tennis can be as casual as a game with friends and family, or you can join a social club, even have coaching and play in regular games. If you are serious about your sport, there are tournaments to be involved in too. 

ANZ Tennis Hot Shots is for children aged 10 and under – with smaller racquets and courts. The balls also bounce slower and lower, which makes them easier to hit.

There is even Cardio Tennis. This is a tennis workout program catering to all fitness levels. It brings together a variety of cardio workouts, a range of fun tennis drills, all to a high-energy soundtrack. The program is focused on a healthy, fun and active lifestyle.

Tennis Australia’s inclusion and Diversity information covers tennis about 

  • Wheelchair Players
  • Deaf and Hard of hearing Players
  • Players with Intellectual impairment
  • Players with Visual impairment
  • Indigenous Players
  • Multicultural Players

Tennis Australia have a wheelchair loan program, so both children and adults can have the opportunity to use a tennis-specific sports chair for 3- 6 months. Applications are available through Tennis Australia. 

If you are after a new activity to try this summer, or want to try something new, Tennis is a fun game and way to exercise at the same time.

Tennis Australia has now partnered with Special Olympics Australia to help improve access to tennis for people with intellectual disabilities and autism over the next four years from 2021-2024. 

The partnership aims to ensure the more than 850,000 Australians with an intellectual impairment or autism, an often-isolated community, is welcomed and offered a range of opportunities to experience the many benefits that tennis provides.

The focus of the partnership will be on 

  • School Programs and Events - delivering for specialist, special education units and mainstream schools for students who have intellectual disability and or autism.
  • Coach Development - to enable quality inclusive programs
  • Club Engagement - Connecting clubs to the Special Olympics movement through affiliate programs
  • Tournaments - co-branded state and national tournaments and events for players with intellectual disabilities and/or autism.

Info sourced from Tennis Australia Inclusion and Diversity

This article was originally published in the Newsletter of IDEAS January February 2020 edition. Download a copy below to read more great info! IDEAS does information so you can do life.

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