An image of an older woman in a kitchen looking at a laptop. She is wearing an apron and is surrounded by vegetables and cooking utensils.

Support groups and social groups can be a fun way to meet with people who have similar interests as you. So how do you find an online community? Read on for some top tips.

You might want to join an online book club, sports-chat, or chess club. Or to try art, talk podcasts, share movies, make a craft, or share recipes. Is it time to learn a new skill, join a music group or help make the world a kinder, better place. We have some tips to help you find your space.

  • Ask friends, family, carers, your service providers, or peak bodies. Do they know of an online group that might interest you?
  • Check if your service providers set up online groups due to COVID-19
  • Try an online search – ask an adult or person you trust to help 
  • Narrow your search by country or region, gender or age group if you prefer 
  • Try it out first and see if you like it. If you find the right group on the first try, that’s good news. If the group doesn’t feel right for you, search again. Members of the first group might also know of similar groups
  • Be active in the group (but not overactive) 
  • Report any bullying, hate speech or scams if you come across them
  • Stay safe and don’t share personal information 
  • Connect with IDEAS, and we can also search for you.

Some groups to try

Livewire connects teenagers. For teens aged 12-20  

  • Who live with a chronic health condition
  • Or who live with serious illness 
  • Or who live with disability 
  • And for their siblings

It is a free online community where you can make friends, share stories, laugh, have a vent, and be yourself. The moderated chat is live at 12 pm-12 am every day, plus live streaming, games, videos, comps and more!

Find them at Livewire

Women With Disabilities Australia is for

  • Women with disability 
  • Girls (aged 15 years and above) with disability 
  • Feminine identifying people with disability 
  • Non-binary people with disability

Space to share ideas, questions and experiences about living in Australia with disability.

They are a private Facebook community. Find them at Women with Disabilities Australia

52 Lives is a global movement that changes someones life every week of the year. They believe in Inspiring people to be kind. Kindness has the power to change lives and change the world. When we share kindness, it improves our well-being at the same time. 

Find 52 Lives

Strength for Life is an exercise program run by Council On The Ageing NSW. Please note, fees applyThe program is progressive training designed to improve your strength, balance and mobility. They have qualified exercise professionals who determine a personal plan for you.

Find Strength for Life

Blind Citizens Australia is for people who are blind or vision impaired. They run an online Happy Hour with themes changing all the time. Check them out for the latest timetables (you might have to scroll a little).

Happy Hour Schedules

Read more: The eSafety Commission and Shopping safely online

This article originally appears in the September-October 2020 newsletter of IDEAS.

IDEAS does information so you can do life.