An image of 4 wooden dice, R, E, N, T is written across them.

Many Australians are finding it tough right now. We aim to give you information about changes to rental tenancy laws in each state and to support decisions about renting and rental assistance, including where to get help.

Residential Tenancy Changes under COVID-19 conditions

When COVID-19 case numbers began to increase, and the financial impacts being realised, States and territories implemented plants to support tenants. Some states have since returned to pre-COVID laws, whilst others extend supports they put in place. Some states have changes in place about the timeframes for lease terminations, evictions, or have given extra support in tenancy dispute resolution services. You may also be able to apply for a rental reduction. For State by State information on help for tenants or changes under COVID-19 to residential tenancy acts chose the state you live in.

In NSW in July 2021, renewed supports were announced:

Dominic Perrottet NSW treasurer says there is also some protection for tenants available. 

"Whether you are a commercial tenant, residential or retail tenant, there will be no lockouts or evictions. As a residential tenant there will be no forced evictions for 60 days," he says.

"Mandatory mediation is in place as well as support. I encourage all landlords to speak to their tenants and if your tenant is struggling, to engage with them in a payment plan, a reduction in rents and we will provide an equivalent offset in terms of your land tax obligations.

"And for landlords in the residential space who do not pay land tax, we will provide up to $1500 for you to pass that onto your tenant to help them through this difficult period."

New South Wales
Western Australia
South Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory

Rental Assistance

Rental Assistance is through Services Australia. Eligibility criteria apply.

If you are receiving the following payments you may be eligible:

Age PensionCarer Payment or Disability Support Pension
ABSTUDY Living AllowanceAustudy or Youth Allowance
Bereavement Allowance or Widow Allowance
Partner Allowance or Special Benefit 
Family Tax Benefit – Part A at more than the base rate
Parenting Payment partnered and single
JobSeeker Payment or Farm Household Allowance.


You pay 1 of the following:

  • Residential rent
  • Retirement village fees
  • Lodging
  • Board and lodging
  • Site or mooring fees if your main home is a caravan, relocatable home or a boat.

You will need to provide proof of rental arrangements and you will be assessed if you are eligible. You can check through MyGov, visit a service centre or contact Services Australia by phone.

Financial Assistance

The National Debt Helpline have financial counsellors that you can speak to.

One-off support may be available through organisations like

Salvation Army
For the ACT, NSW or Queensland  1300 371 288.
For the NT, SA, Tasmania, Victoria or WA Call or visit your nearest Salvos centre.

St Vincent De Paul 13 18 12

Anglicare 1300 111 278

And the Department of Social Service has an online directory of service providers.

Homeless or Crisis Housing

Your state or territory housing department can help provide emergency temporary accommodation or help with rental bond.

New South Wales

Family and Community Services Link2home
1800 152 152


1800 825 955


Homeless Hotline
1800 474 753

Western Australia

Entrypoint Perth
1800 124 684 (includes regional WA)South Australia

South Australia

Homeless Connect SA 1800 003 308


Housing Tasmania Housing Connect
1800 800 588

Northern Territory


(08) 8985 4389 (NT Shelter)

Australian Capital Territory

Housing and Community Services ACT OneLink
1800 176 468


You can also search the IDEAS directory Services and Supports Search to find other services near you.

More information

Paying your bills in the COVID-19 crisis
Food relief
No or Low-interest loans
ATO – COVID-19 early release of super
MoneySmart – COVID-19 accessing your super

Return to Money Matters.

IDEAS does information so you can do life.