manilla folders and documents, legal scales and laptop computer with person on screen. Text on folder readers Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. Australian Government coat of arms.

The Disability Royal Commission began in April 2019. It is an independent public inquiry into the mistreatment of people with disability.

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Royal Commissions have broad powers. They can hold public hearings, call witnesses under oath and compel evidence. They can make recommendations to the government about what should change. The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Aged Care Royal Commission) looks at similar issues in residential aged care. 

The Disability Royal Commission listens to people with disability, families and carers. It holds public hearings and looks at ways people with disability are at risk. It publishes reports and suggests ways businesses, carers and the government can improve. Cases of abuse, violence, neglect or exploitation can occur anywhere in the community. In the home, workplace, school, residential care, in hospital and other health settings.

We have reported on the Royal Commission since it started. As time goes on, we've put all our reports together for you in one place to make it easier to find the information you want. As things change, we will add to this list. This list also serves as a timeline of the Disability Royal Commission

The Commissioners published an Interim report on 30 October 2020, and need to give a final report by 29 April 2022.

Lead up

Why schools desperately need a royal commission into the abuse of disabled people 
Pressure mounts for Disability Royal Commissioners to stand down


Royal Commission seeks submissions 
First Nations people with disability matter 
IDEAS Has A Say: Disability Royal Commission - Emergency Planning and Response

Public hearings

16 September 2019

First public sitting of Disability Royal Commission

4-7 November 2019

First Disability Royal Commission hearing focuses on education 

2-6 December 2019 

Second hearing of Disability Royal Commission investigates violence and abuse in group homes 

18-28 February 2020

Disability Royal Commission hearing looks into health for people with intellectual disability 

18-21 August 2020

Disability Royal Commission hearing on COVID-19 and Emergency Planning 

22-25 September 2020

Disability Royal Commission hearing on the use of psychotropic medication 

12-16 October 2020

Disability Royal Commission hearing explores barriers to education 

23-27 November 2020

Public Hearing 8. Experiences of First Nations people with disability and their families in contact with the child protection system. Starts 23 November at 9.30 am AEST / 10:30 am AEDT

7-11 December 2020

Public Hearing 9. Pathways and barriers to open employment for people with disability. 

14-15 December 2020

Public Hearing 10. Health care professionals education and training.


Interim Report

The Interim Report was published on 30 October 2020. It sets out what the Royal Commission has done in its first 15 months, the cut-off point being 31 July 2020. The report says people with disability experience attitudinal, environmental, institutional and communication barriers to achieving inclusion within Australian society.  It shows that a great deal needs to be done to ensure that the human rights of people with disability are respected and that Australia becomes a truly inclusive society.

Issues papers

Royal Commission seeks comment for Issues Papers


Shocking cases of disability abuse and neglect come to light 
Disability service Integrity Care banned from providing NDIS services 
Bullying is not okay
Reporting abuse of people with a disability 
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline

Get Help

Royal Commission support services

More information


Phone: 1800 517 199
Web: disability.royalcommission.gov.au 

For more information read our full directory listing.

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