Senior woman being looked after by a younger lady

Sun 13 October – Saturday 19 October 2019

While this is a week to acknowledge and appreciate the roles carers take in Australia, it is every day of every week that carers need to be championed for the work they do.

To put it in perspective, the following figures are available on the Carers NSW website.

  • Over 2.7 million family and friends provide care to their loved ones.
  • This equates to 36 million hours of care and support every week.
  • Care is given to family members and friends with a disability, mental illness, drug and/or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail.
  • In dollar terms, this is approximately $1.1 billion per week.

 Anyone at any time can become a carer.

 Special weeks such as this provide the opportunity to raise awareness of the role people play and the diversity of carers who generally do their tasks with little recognition.

To celebrate and perhaps give carers a chance to rest and recharge there are various events happening.

These are listed in the following link: Carers NSW 2019 Carers Week Event Calendar

Information sourced from: Carers NSW - National Carers Week