
If you are a carer for a person with disability, what do you do in case of an emergency? This article gives information on creating an emergency care plan.

Carer pushing an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair


As a carer who provides unpaid care and support to a family member of friend with a disability, it can be worrying to think about what would happen in an emergency if you were unable to provide that care. You are being relied upon by an individual and without your assistance, they may not be able to live an ordinary life.

Being prepared for an emergency through the creation of an Emergency Care Plan, support will be continued, providing reassurance to you and the person that you care for.  

Emergency Care Plan Outline

The Emergency Care Plan outline should include the contact details for the people who have agreed to provide emergency support to the person that you care for. It will also provide instructions on the type of care that is required. 

Tip - who would be the best person to stand in for you in case of an emergency? This can be a huge commitment so should be considered seriously

The plan should include:

  • Health information about the person that you take care of
  • Any medication they require
  • List of the regular support that they receive
  • List of expectations of the level of care that you believe your friend or family member should receive

Provide a copy to the confirmed contacts and go through it with them.

Plans should be updated at least on an annual basis. 

Carer’s Emergency Card Template

Outline of a carer's emergency plan template

For more information about Emergency Planning, contact IDEAS on 1800 029 904.

Information sourced from Carers Australia NSW.