
The Office of Emergency Management can provide disaster relief grants to eligible individuals and families whose homes and essential household contents have been damaged or destroyed by a disaster.

aerial view of bush fire

 If you have limited financial resources and no insurance you may be eligible for a financial contribution towards the cost of essential household items and making your home safe and habitable again.

 You may be eligible for a Disaster Relief Grant if:

  • you are a low income earner
  • your home has been damaged
  • you do not have insurance
  • it is less than 4 months since the disaster


How to apply for a Disaster Relief Grant

Call Disaster Welfare on 1800 018 444. A disaster welfare officer will provide information about the grants, application process and eligibility criteria. (There is a checklist on the fact sheet)

Home Visit

A disaster welfare officer will need to visit your home to inspect the damage before an assessment can be made.


Once your application including supporting documents is complete and a home visit has occurred, an assessment will be made as quickly as possible. You will receive a written response stating the outcome of your application.

If your application is approved, there are two types of assistance that may be received:

  • Grants for replacing essential household contents
  • Grants for essential structural repairs 

 fire damaged bicycle picture


How are your income and assets assessed?

  • Statement of Income
  • Rent or home loan repayments
  • additional assets such as savings in the bank 


Can a decision be appealed?

You may appeal the decision if your claim has been declined or you have additional information that supports your claim. Appeals can be lodged within one month of the decision made.

More detailed information about Disaster Relief Grants available on the following link: Disaster Relief Grants fact sheet

Information sourced from: Office of Emergency Management (NSW Department of Justice)

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