
When you get older and are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex there can be heightened levels of social isolation. LOVE is designed to create better conversations and social engagement in the gay community.

Living Older Visibly and Engaged Logo

When you get older, there is naturally a higher level of social isolation. Add to this being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex and there will be heightened levels of social isolation. 

There is now a project called LOVE – Living Older Visibly and Engaged which is run through ACON, which is aimed at creating better conversations and social engagement with older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community members.

The LOVE project works through understanding people’s needs and preferences which lead to facilitation of greater social connectivity, improved social inclusion and appropriate health education for LGBTI members.

There are a number of Fact Sheets available to download from the LOVE Project website. These include:

  • Ageing and HIV
  • Alcohol and Prescription Drugs
  • Dementia
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Elder Abuse and Domestic Violence
  • Fitness and Exercise
  • Health Checks
  • Health Screens
  • Legal Tips
  • Nutrition
  • Smoking
  • Social Connections

For more information or to download one of the Fact Sheets visit: www.loveproject.org.au or contact IDEAS on 1800 029 904 or www.ideas.org.au

Resource: LOV(E)ing when you are older and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex - LOVE Project