
Looking for love but unsure where to start? Here are our 5 top tips for online dating.

Phone screen displaying the words, 'Online dating'

If you have decided that you would like to give online dating a go but are unsure where to begin, we have pulled together some online dating tips for you to consider.

There are a number of dating sites available, some of them focusing on disability, others more mainstream.

  1. You don’t have to date someone another person with a disability – it is more important that you connect with someone on a romantic and sexual level, not just because they have a disability
  2. Personality is the most important thing – it really is what is on the inside that counts. Just like gender, race, religion and physical appearance, having a disability doesn’t define your personality. You should ask yourself whether the person would be attracted to you if you didn’t have a disability. Or whether you would be attracted to that person if you didn’t have a disability. Don’t look for a knight, search for a companion.
  3. Don’t just settle for anybody – just because somebody appears to be “okay”, doesn’t mean that you should settle for them. They may not be the right person for you. Everybody deserves to be with somebody that is amazing, not just “okay”
  4. When to disclose a disability – if you opt for a mainstream online dating site, one of the most commonly pondered questions is ‘when should I reveal my disability?’ This is a very personal decision. That being said though, it may be viewed as being unfair if you have lots of discussions with a potential match and don’t reveal it. It’s not necessarily something that you have to post in your personal profile but be prepared to disclose it at some stage. When you do reveal a disability, be prepared for unusual questions. They may be odd and in some cases, rude. If you have an obvious physical disability, you may be asked questions like “Can you still have sex?” How you answer them depends on your personality.
  5. Meeting place – So you have the perfect match and you are going to now meet them in person. Where do you meet? We would suggest meeting in a place that you know meets your needs, like accessibility requirements

Dating Sites

The following provides a list of some dating sites, both mainstream and disability focused, that you can refer to: