A view of Perth looking through trees

On 18 August 2020, it was announced that Phase 4 of the WA COVID-19 roadmap has been extended and Phase 5 will tentatively start on Saturday 24 October 2020. The 2020 Royal Perth Show has also been cancelled.

Media Statement

The Premier’s Media Statement addressing this announcement follows:

Cautious approach to Phase 5 and the 2020 Perth Royal Show


  • Phase 4 of the WA roadmap extended by two months
  • New tentative start date for Phase 5 is now Saturday, October 24
  • 2020 Perth Royal Show will no longer go ahead 

Based on the latest health advice from the Chief Health Officer, Phase 4 of the WA roadmap will be extended for a two-month period and the 2020 Perth Royal Show will no longer go ahead as planned.

The State Government today made the announcement, stating the extra cautious approach was necessary given the Chief Health Officer, Dr Andrew Robertson, had advised that it could take two months or longer for the outbreaks in Victoria to be fully under control.

Originally the tentative start date for Phase 5 was July 17, when first announced in June. Since then due to the situation over east, the State Government has extended Phase 4 three separate times, each for a two-week period.

The Chief Health Officer recommended a further extension of Phase 4 by two months, meaning the new tentative start date of Phase 5 will now be Saturday, October 24 (effective from 11.59pm Friday, October 23).

It is expected the State Government will likely provide clarity in October about whether or not Western Australia can proceed with this timeline or bring it forward, based on the latest health advice.

Phase 5 would result in the removal of the two square metre rule - designed to ease the burden on businesses compared to the more problematic four square metre rule being used in other parts of the country. It would also see the removal of the 50 per cent capacity limit for major venues such as Optus Stadium.

In light of this decision, the Chief Health Officer has also recommended that the 2020 Perth Royal Show not proceed.

From a public health perspective, the Royal Show provides a number of unique challenges and presents too great a risk.

The State Government will work with the Royal Agricultural Society about other regional shows, pending advice from the Chief Health Officer.

Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:

"Given the situation over east and our latest health advice, proceeding to Phase 5 too soon is just not appropriate.

"I know this will cause frustration and problems for some sections of the community, but we are trying to find the right balance here, between protecting our community and keeping our economy as open as possible.

"The decision on the Royal Show will come as a disappointment for many people, but right now we just cannot afford to take an unnecessary risk."

Comments attributed to Health Minister Roger Cook:

"What is always uppermost in our decision-making is the health and safety of Western Australians.

"The fact we find ourselves in such a fortunate situation has been due to the sensible behaviour of Western Australians and following the latest health advice along every step of this difficult journey.

"We have seen in Victoria just how quickly the virus can take hold, devastating families and communities while dealing with restrictive lockdowns.

"We need to continue to be cautious so that we don't lose the freedom that we have all worked so hard for."

Comments attributed to Agriculture and Food Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

"While the decision to cancel the 2020 Perth Royal Show will be disappointing for families across the State, we have to put the health and safety of the community first.

"We will work closely with the Royal Agricultural Society to make sure they can deliver a vibrant Perth Royal Show in future years."

Premier's office - 6552 5000

Health Minister's office - 6552 6500

Agriculture and Food Minister's office - 6552 6200

Royal Perth Show 2020 cancelled

In connection to the extension of Phase 4 the Chief Health officer made this recommendation:

In light of this decision, the Chief Health Officer has also recommended that the 2020 Perth Royal Show not proceed.

From a public health perspective, the Royal Show provides a number of unique challenges and presents too great a risk.

Phase 5 explained

Phase 5 would see remaining restrictions removed, except WA’s hard border and access to remote Aboriginal communities.

It would also see the removal of WA’s 2 square metre rule and the 50 per cent capacity for our major venues.

Phases 1 - 6 explained

Detailed information on each of the Phases is available here

More information

COVID-19 in Western Australia latest updates
IDEAS COVID-19 Directory 

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