
There is a lot of information being shared about Coronavirus (COVID-19).

IDEAS has put together this information for people with a disability about COVID-19.

IDEAS keeps updating this information as things change. 
If you need any other information call us and we will answer your questions.
We are open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm. We are here to help.
Free Call: 1800 029 904

Other Helplines

COVID-19 Disability Information Helpline – 1800 643 787

This helpline has been set up to help people with a disability with COVID-19 issues.
It is open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm. IDEAS Info Officers are the team answering your calls.
More here Disability Information Helpline

National Coronavirus Helpline – 1800 020 080 

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
More here National Coronavirus Helpline

What is on this page?

There is a lot of helpful information.
You can click on one of the links below go to that topic.
Or, you can scroll down to look through them all.

Easy English
State Information
COVID-19 Testing
Staying At Home Tips
About COVID-19
Service Providers
Government Links 

Easy English

Easy English Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources

State Information

South Australia

Live in SA - What you need to know


Victorian Roadmap to COVID Normal - what you need to know
Victorian Worker Access to Childcare Permits
FAQ from People with Disability in Victoria
Victorian and Australian Governments commit to Disability Response Centre for COVID-19 crisis

New South Wales

Live in NSW? Need to Know COVID-19 Info
NSW and QR Codes


Queensland Border Restrictions
Queensland Roadmap


COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 testing for people with disability
COVID-19 and saliva testing
Can't get to a COVID testing clinic? What we know about home testing
Intellectual Disability and COVID-19 


Disability and wearing face masks 
Special conditions for not wearing a face mask 
Two million more face masks for Victorian aged care and disability workers

Handwashing and Hygiene

Handwashing, sensory processing and COVID-19
Hand hygiene for wheelchair users

Getting Help and Staying Healthy

Should I get the flu-shot? 
Look after your mental health  
Getting medication during the COVID-19 crisis
COVID-19 and caring for people with dementia
Coronavirus Prevention - Why we stay at home 
Health Passports, Hospital Companion Documents
How to maintain healthy habits during COVID-19 with food and exercise
Bullying, Abuse, Domestic and Family Violence, how and where to get help and support 
National Crisis Numbers

Staying at Home

The New Armchair Travellers
Staying Connected in Isolation
Tips to get you through Isolation
Online meetings and supporting inclusive practices
Catch ups for people with disability in COVID-19
School from home - making it work for kids with disability
Tips on working from home for people with disability
Grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic
Getting medication during the COVID-19 crisis


Centrelink and Covid-19
  1. JobKeeper Payment
  2. JobSeeker Payment
  3. Economic Support Payment
  4. JobKeeper and JobSeeker changes announced July 21, 2020.
Robodebt rollback
Shopping safely online 
Childcare Subsidy Changes
Mutual Obligations explained 
Paying your bills in the COVID-19 crisis 
Support with phone and internet complaints
Grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic 
Getting medication during the COVID-19 crisis


About COVID-19

What is Coronavirus? 
Government Restrictions
Covid-19 Apps
The COVIDSafe app
Need to get coronavirus (COVID-19) resources in your language? 
Easy English COVID-19 resources 
What do COVID-19 rule changes mean for people with a disability? 
Coronavirus restrictions in your state 
COVID-19 Factsheets supporting people with a disability 
Keeping Your Mob Safe - ATSI COVID-19 Resources

Service Providers

Choosing a provider online
How Service Providers are doing things differently 
Coronavirus Supports for NDIS registered providers 


Returning to School after COVID-19
Public Transport in the age of COVID-19
Can good things come from the COVID-19 crisis?
3 ways to make your online content more inclusive 
COVID safe travel tips
Living in strange times 

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ from People with Disability in Victoria


If you things have changed for you because of COVID-19, you will be able to get help.

There are special teams of staff who can answer your questions on the phone.
Call 1800 800 110 then press 5. Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm (local time).

There is also information on the NDIS website that shares some changes about funding, rules and buying PPE.
Plus for people in Victoria see Live in Victoria? Need to Know COVID-19 Info

Government Links

Australian Government Department of Health 
- General Information
- Disability Information
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Phone: 1800 035 544
COVID-19 Information
Phone: 13 24 68
Visit website

More Contacts

Search our COVID-19 Directory for more contacts.
If there is something else you need, please get in touch.
We are happy to help you find it.

Free Call: 1800 029 904 
Text: 0458 296 602