Map of Australia with Queensland highlighted with some pins dropped on it, clipboard says QLD COVID19 update, with surgical mask on it

This is the latest COVID-19 information for people who live in Queensland. Things do keep changing with COVID-19 and it is important to keep up to date so that you can stay safe.

If you would like to talk to someone about COVID-19 please call the Disability Information Helpline - 1800 643 787. Our Information Officers can help you find information for where you live and, for what you need. It is open Monday to Friday - 8 am to 8 pm. 

We will keep this article up to date so do check back in for the latest information. (Last updated October 1)

Here's what is in this article

Current Rules for Queensland
Hot Spot Alerts
Easy English Information
How to Stay Safe
Disability Accommodation Services
Caring for people with a disability who have COVID-19
Queensland Government COVID Plan

Current Rules for Queensland

What changed from 1 am Thursday 1 October 2020

Because of the reduced risk of COVID-19 transmission in northern New South Wales, the following changes have been made regarding the border zone:

  • The New South Wales border zone (PDF) has been extended
  • The Queensland border zone no longer exists
  • Queensland residents can travel anywhere in the New South Wales border zone for any purpose
  • New South Wales border zone residents can travel anywhere in Queensland for any purpose.

Queensland Public Health Directions has more information.

Hotspot Alerts

Currently there are no Hotspot Alerts.
But please check the list for all the places so you can stay safe.

Easy English Information

Queenslanders with Disability Network have made some Easy English information.

Access Easy English Resources


How To Stay Safe

To stop the spread of COVID-19:

  • Stay home if you are sick
  • If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested
  • Stay 1.5 metres away from other people—think two big steps
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, or hand sanitiser
  • Leave a location if it is crowded.

If you have any concerns about your health, contact your doctor or contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)

There's tips and guides on how to make a plan for your own individual needs and situation during COVID-19 here


If you have any of these symptoms you should get tested.

  • fever (37.5 ° or higher)
  • cough
  • sore/scratchy throat
  • shortness of breath
  • loss of smell or
  • loss of taste.

You can get tested at your Doctor. Before your appointment, please call ahead and tell them about your symptoms so they can prepare for your visit.

You can get tested at a fever clinic. Fever clinics are specialist clinics managed by Hospital and Health Services that assess people who may be infected with COVID-19.
Find your nearest fever clinic here.

Queensland - Updated 2 September

In Queensland, QML Pathology is accepting Saliva Testing which is sent on to Queensland Health. 

You are required to source a sterile sample pot and return it to QML with the pathology request. Online PDF Pathology Request Forms for QML Pathology are available here for your medical practitioner.



From 1 am on 25 September 2020 there are no Local Government Areas listed as Queensland COVID-19 restricted areas.

Certain restrictions continue to apply under the following directions:

When there are listed restricted Local Government Areas (LGAs), increased restrictions apply.

More information - call the contact centre open Monday to Friday 8 am to 8 pm (local time). Phone 1800 800 110 and press number 5.



Coming to Queensland

Anyone can enter Queensland unless they have been in a COVID-19 hotspot in the last 14 days.

If you have been in a hotspot within the last 14 days, you are no longer able to quarantine in Queensland and will be turned away at our border—unless you are exempt under the definitions within the Border Direction, which include:

  • you’re a Queensland resident or are moving to Queensland
  • to fulfil shared parenting and child contact arrangements
  • obtain essential health care, or as a support person to a person obtaining essential health care.

You still need to apply for a Queensland Border Declaration Pass to enter Queensland. A pass does not guarantee entry into Queensland. You can apply here.

There are 5 border pass options:

Leaving Queensland
You will need to check the restrictions for the state or territory you wish to visit. These do change, so go to the official sites to get the latest information.

Border Zone
A border zone resident is someone who lives in a community on the Queensland New South Wales border. This includes both sides of the border – people who live in Queensland but work or go to school in their neighbouring border town, or people who live in New South Wales but come to work or school in their neighbouring border town in Queensland. Border zone residents can cross the border for any purpose. 

Queensland border zone residents can travel anywhere in the New South Wales Border Zone. And New South Wales border zone residents can travel anywhere in Queensland. Border Zone Map. 3 page PDF.

For more information see Border Restrictions

If you need help with the border rules please call the Disability Information Helpline - 1800 643 787.


Disability Accommodation Services

Updated on 25th September, a range of rules still apply to residential Aged Care facilities. These updates are:

  • Allow students who are under the supervision of an employee or contractor to enter a restricted shared disability accommodation service
  • Require that people who have a temperature of 37.5 degrees or more, or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 cannot enter a disability accommodation service
  • Provide that operators of restricted disability accommodation services should ensure staff, contractors and volunteers do not work across multiple care facilities, where possible. Care facilities include but are not limited to hospitals, retirement villages and residential aged care facilities.
  • Visitors should not be anyone who, has returned from overseas in the last 14 days, had contact with a person with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, has visited a COVID-19 hotspot in the last 14 days, has a fever of 37.5 degrees or more, or has other symptoms of COVID-19.

More Information - Disability Services Accommodation Direction


Caring for people with a disability who have COVID-19

This checklist is a handy resource about how to care for people with disability with COVID19.

COVID-19 Health Professionals Disability Advisory Service provides specialised advice to health professionals responsible for the medical care of people with disability diagnosed with COVID-19 or experiencing symptoms. Health professionals can call from 8 am to 9 pm (AEST) Monday to Friday. This service is available until 17 November 2020.

Queensland Government COVID Plan

Policy and action plan (PDF)

The Queensland Health COVID-19 Policy and Action Plan for Queenslanders with disability (the Policy and Action Plan) outlines the mainstream health COVID‐19 response to support Queenslanders with disability.

It aims to ensure that the COVID‐19 health response meets the specific needs of people with disability and minimises the risks to people with disability as a result of any unintended consequences of changes to public health messaging and changes in service delivery.

More Information

Is there something else you would like to know? Ask us! Call Disability Information Helpline - 1800 643 787

COVID-19 Disability Information
Easy English Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources


IDEAS COVID Directory listings

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