Results 1 - 20 of 484



1. Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA) - Central Office

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA) has supported people with spinal cord injury (SCI) and other physical and neurological disabilities for over 50 years. 
Little Bay, NSW

1800 819 775

2. Lifestyle Solutions (AUST) Ltd

Lifestyle Solutions is a national provider of disability supports and services, including: supported accommodation; personal care; community; social and recreational activities; travel and transport; work-ready activities; clinical and… 
Islington, NSW

1800 634 748

3. Abbeyfield Society ACT Inc

A home for seniors who are over 65 years and are on low incomes. It is an opportunity to live in a small community of 10 people with privacy, independence and security at Ainslie. Weekday meals are provided by a full time housekeeper. and… 
Ainslie, ACT

02 6254 4841

4. Koomarri

Provides customised employment opportunities, complex case management, support coordination, community access, residential services and skills development courses for people with disability in the Canberra district. NDIS registered. Classes,… 
Phillip, ACT

02 6280 6143

5. Focus ACT

Focus ACT is an NDIS Registered provider of Supported Independent Living, Dietetics, other Allied Health Services and Housing Supports. Focus is one of 13 Community Housing Providers in Canberra, specializing in intellectual and psychosocial… 
Deakin West, ACT

02 6282 9422

6. EveryMan

Domestic and family violence prevention services, crisis and longer-term counselling, information and referral, accommodation support, case management and outreach services for people living with disabilities or at risk of homelessness.… 
Civic, ACT

02 6230 6999

7. L'Arche Genesaret Inc

Community of people with, and without, disability that provides accommodation, social and in-home support for adults living with an intellectual disability. NDIS registered service provider for Supported Independent Living and Respite Care. 
Curtin, ACT

02 6282 9066

8. St Vincent de Paul Society - Canberra Goulburn

Lay Catholic organisation providing financial and material support, home visitation, homelessness assistance, family support and mental health services. 
Canberra, ACT

02 6282 2722, 131 81

9. Mental Health Carers Voice Program

Supports mental health carers to participate at all levels of policy and service development. Carers may choose to receive regular news bulletins, keep in touch with mental health sector news through the Mental Health Carers Voice website,… 
Holt, ACT

02 6296 9993

10. Adult/Youth Step Up Step Down Program - Wellways

Recovery-focused residential mental health program for adults and youth with a mental illness. Supports up to 6 people at any time and is suitable for people for whom a short stay may prevent the need for a hospital admission, or people who… 
Phillip, ACT

1300 111 400, 02 624

11. Aruma - Belconnen

Provides in home supports, shared living arrangements, recreational and vocational activities, accommodation support for people with varying disabilities. Support coordination for NDIS customers. An NDIS registered provider. 
Belconnen, ACT

1300 538 746, 02 619

12. Mental Health Foundation (ACT)

Provides residential respite care for participants and carers, outreach support programs, short and medium term supported accommodation. MHF ACT is registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme in both NSW and ACT. 
Chifley, ACT

02 6282 6604

13. Valmar Support Services

Valmar supports individuals with disabilities who have a current NDIS plan. Supports include Supported Independent Living, Individual Living Options, in-home supports include Self-care and Domestic Assistance. The Day Programs and Lifestyle… 
Tumut, NSW

02 6947 4150

14. CatholicCare - ARAMAC

Provides Mental Health Supported Accommodation for men aged between 18 and 65 with mental illness, alcohol and drug issues and as a result are impacting on the ability to live independently or are at risk of homelessness. 
MacGregor, Australian Capital Territory

02 6163 7600

15. Anglicare NSW South, NSW West and ACT, Disability and ECEC Portfoliio

Operates a variety of services throughout the Anglican Dioceses of Canberra, Bathurst, Riverina and Goulburn. These include out of home care; early childhood services; supported accommodation assistance programs; limited homelessness… 
Goulburn, NSW

02 4823 4000

16. Life Without Barriers - Albury

-Drop in support in clients home to develop independent living skills. -Supported group accommodation. -Family contact service; children living in out of home care having family contact. -Registered NDIS Provider. 
Albury, NSW

02 6058 5600

17. Mercy Connect

Provides a range of services: Supported Accommodation in group homes; Drop in accommodation support in clients' residence in the community; Day programmes through Community Participation; SLES; Transition To Work programmes 
Thurgoona, NSW

02 6043 3500

18. St Andrews Village Ballina Ltd

A residential aged care facility offering retirement living, residential care, community care and Aboriginal Aged Respite care options. Facilities for people living with early to moderate dementia or Alzheimer's disease are available.… 
Ballina, NSW

02 6620 5800

19. Maranoa Centre - Alstonville

Aged Care hostel offering 1 respite bed for residential respite plus self-care units. High care and dementia-specific unit. Therapy programs, on-site hairdresser, social outings, mobile library and Allied Health Services. 
Alstonville, NSW

02 6698 5700

20. Biala Support Services Inc - Melaleuca Respite House

Respite house - Melaleuca House has been fully modified for people with disabilities and one bathroom is fully accessible for wheelchairs. The house can accommodate 4 to 5 people and their carers or can be utilised for Carer Respite. 
Ballina, NSW

02 6686 4763