IDEAS. IDEAS does information so you can do life.

IDEAS (Information on Disability, Education and Awareness Services) is at the front end of the Disability Information Helpline set up to assist people with disability and their families during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

Diana Palmer, the Executive Officer of IDEAS, spoke to the disability information service's expertise in disseminating information for people with disability over its 35-year history. 

"We are fortunate to have an expert team with a high proportion of people with lived experience of disability. Simply put, we 'get it' and callers can trust our fact-checked information and expert team.” 

Yesterday, Minister for Families and Social Services Senator Anne Ruston announced posters and flyers with key information contacts for people would be distributed through major Australian retailers including Coles, Woolworths and IGA and will be available at local outlets shortly. 

The flyer includes information about the Disability Information Helpline set up last month to deal with Coronavirus (COVID-19) enquiries which IDEAS is taking people's calls on. The Minister spoke to the helpline's importance in supporting the disability community through the COVID-19 crisis. 

"We have also launched a dedicated helpline for people with disability who are concerned or have questions about Coronavirus and how restrictions may impact on their individual circumstances. These services play a vital role in supporting the community and it is so important that during these uncertain times all Australians are aware that help remains available."

The IDEAS team welcomes this form of information sharing says Executive Officer Diana Palmer.

"Many people with a disability or older Australians that rely on our service do not access the internet but still need to have access to help and support."

As an essential service, supermarkets continue to operate while most other community contact points have closed. Distribution of this vital information through these essential services will ensure more people will have access to the help they need. 

Read Minister Ruston's Media Release


You can download the poster and flyer from the Department of Social Services. Very handy to print out and pop onto your fridge door or you can ring us and one of our helpful info team will pop you one in the post! Otherwise, look out for them at your local supermarket. 

Support Services poster
Support Services flyer


You can call the free Disability Information Helpline on 1800 643 787 or go to www.dss.gov.au/disabilityhelp for more information


Diana Palmer, IDEAS Executive Officer
Mobile: 0407 419 737
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

IDEAS does information so you can do life.