IDEAS. IDEAS does information so you can do life.

People with disability have a right to accessible information at all times, but especially during a crisis. IDEAS is pleased to hear that the Government has announced that it will be launching a COVID-19 disability information helpline, which is a phone service for people with a disability, today.

IDEAS will form part of the team, ensuring that people with a disability, along with their support people have access to up to date information about the Coronavirus situation.

“The Government has come to IDEAS and asked our Information Officers to be part of the team answering people’s calls and helping at this time. They know IDEAS has a strong and trusted record in providing people with a disability quality, fact-checked information” said Diana Palmer, IDEAS Executive Officer.

“So, we’ll be doing what we’ve always done – making sure that there is someone friendly and supportive at the end of the line when people with a disability need information and help. Using our experience, connections and the thousands of fact-checked records we’ve created to make sure people have what they need when they need it”.

“We’ve been by people’s side through bushfires, the rollout of the NDIS, changes to job support, post-school options, Centrelink and so much more. Already we’ve been keeping people with a disability updated on the COVID-19 crisis as well as answering calls about changes to support, finding equipment and their rights with services.  We will continue to this important role as long as it is needed.”

IDEAS approach towards information provision was recognised as critical in a recent report from the Centre for Social Impact at the University of NSW

"It can provide personalised and fully independent information about local disability markets to callers from around Australia".

Along, with this role, IDEAS will also continue to operate our free independent disability information line and share up to date information through Facebook, Twitter, our website, eNews and Newsletter.

“IDEAS want people to know that they are not alone at this time. We encourage people to reach out and stay connected. We are here, by your side to listen and to help”


You can call the free Disability Information Helpline on 1800 643 787 or go to www.dss.gov.au/disabilityhelp for more information


Diana Palmer, IDEAS Executive Officer
Mobile: 0407 419 737
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

IDEAS does information so you can do life.