IDEAS. IDEAS does information so you can do life.

Unprecedented bushfires burning across millions of hectares across Australia this summer have caused serious injury, death and the destruction of homes, towns and habitats. In response to this crisis, IDEAS, Australia’s leading independent disability information provider has also become a clearinghouse for fire emergency information.

IDEAS has collated all the best bushfire information and emergency advice for people with disabilities, including accessible easy read fire plans and emergency pack lists.

IDEAS Executive Officer Diana Palmer said that having one resource with all the relevant information was critical in a time of crisis.

“People with a disability can go to the IDEAS website and access all the necessary information to prepare for an emergency,” said Palmer.

“We collate, fact check and validate every piece of information on our site. And if the website doesn’t already have the information someone needs, we have real people standing by a live chat function and a toll-free phone line to answer any question.”

“Some of our staff have been evacuated from their own homes this summer and bring that first-hand experience and empathy to our advice and support services.”

“We sincerely hope that the worst of this bushfire season is behind us however we have only just past the halfway point of summer so everyone should still make sure they are prepared for anything.”

Fire emergency information for people with disabilities is available at www.ideas.org.au


Media contacts: Diana Palmer on 0407 419737 or Andrew Blyberg on 0401 691 666 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


IDEAS is a not-for-profit with over 400 members - made up of people with disability, family members, carers and supporters of people with disability. Standing for Information on Disability, Education and Awareness Services, IDEAS provides access to information and opportunities for people with disabilities, their supporters and the community to reach their full potential.

IDEAS does information so you can do life.