
Tray with meals and drinks

The nutritional needs of people change as they age and appetites can decline for a number of reasons.


A podcast looking at how much support carers receive from the government at any level and investigates other areas of assistance.

Images of a brain scan

A podcast about dementia and from its slow beginnings to the longer effects on memory and personality.

Older woman sits while being assisted to dress in an aged - care facility

A report on the recent study of the use of antipsychotic medications and benzodiazepines in people with dementia in aged care.

People sleeping outside on the streets

Recent statistics from the last census show the levels of homelessness experienced by older people and recent migrants.

Looking at sports that both provide a means of catching up with friends and helping to keep moving, exercising and push the body.

Hands with a bowl of food

As we age our bodies have different needs for sleep, rest and nutrition.

People in a circle holding arms

A podcast that shows how Greek dancing is enriching the lives of many Greek-Australian women.

Woman laying down with rose petals all over her

IDEAS recently interviewed Nikki Hind about the launch of her clothing label, Blind Grit and her first designer collection hitting the runway at Melbourne Fashion Week for our podcast.

Woman with glasses on

A collection of experiences following the Four Corners investigation of neglect in aged care facilities.