Naked figure with head obscured by cloud

My name is Tyler Grace and I am 25 years of age. I have been living with chronic illness all my life. I live with a multitude of illnesses including Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Marfan Syndrome, POTS, Neurally Mediated Hypotension, and a few more minor illnesses.

From the ages of 9 to 18, I spent most of my life in hospital, in doctors appointments or bedridden. I had no hope left, and although I didn’t want to, I was ready to wither away and fade into dust, until the day I found photography.

Photography has changed my life. It has got me out of bed, and back into the world, and for a long time was the only reason I was able to keep pushing through my illnesses and not give up. It has become my power.

My most well-known work is my award-winning series “The Chronic Diaries”, which is a series that chronicles my journey with chronic illness. The main aim of the exhibition is to raise awareness and start the conversation about chronic illness and the effects it can cause.

The series covers topics such as chronic pain, mental illness, cognitive symptoms, isolation, body image issues and so much more.

Photography may just be an art form to some, but for me, it is my life and my power, and I will keep pursuing it until my time is up.

Here are a few of the images from the series, along with the captions for them:

the clouded mind tyler grace"The Clouded Mind" by Tyler Grace

The Clouded Mind

Brain fog, a cognitive malfunction where you lose all focus and you can’t think straight, is a common occurrence that everyone experiences. One of the many symptoms of one of my health conditions is a type of brain fog where it can get so bad I can lose the ability to even form sentences with my mouth or even function for periods of time.

naked skeletal figure crouching in a fire place."Ashes to Ashes" by Tyler Grace

Ashes To Ashes

Physical and mental breakdowns are like an uncontrollable fire that we often feel will never end. Surviving that inferno is incredibly difficult, but if you can fight through it, you will be able to rise from the ashes and live to fight another day!

Naked figure with head, arms and torso bound by bandages."Fix Me" by Tyler Grace

Fix Me

Fix me, doctor. Fix me, please. All I ask is that you find a cure or some sort of relief. I’m sick of being bound in these bandages that are doing absolutely nothing to help.

Naked figure wedged between two large rocks"Stuck" by Tyler Grace


When you are chronically ill, it feels as if you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, or in this instance, stuck between two giant rocks.

New Exhibition

The Chronic Diaries

Where: Brunswick Street Gallery
Address: Level 1/322 Brunswick St, Fitzroy VIC 3065

When: May 17th - June 2nd, 2019

Opening Event: May 17th, 2019 - 6-9 pm

All prints are available to be purchased.
Please contact Tyler Grace for more details.

Connect and see more of Tyler Grace

Facebook: TylerGracePhotography
Instagram: TylerGracePhotography
Website: tylergracephotography.com