
We get many calls from NDIS participants that have been treated unfairly or abused by their support providers. If you are an NDIS participant or supporter and you are not happy with a service provider, you have the right to complain. PossABLE Advocate James Smith explains how.

A playing piece is singled out from others,  surrounded by barriers

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) makes disability discrimination unlawful and promotes equal rights, equal opportunity and equal access for people with disabilities.

Image of person with disability riding an adaptive mountain bike fast down a dirt trail.

Due to the barriers facing wheelchair users and others, it can be difficult to connect with nature and access off-road areas for people with a disability. However, the growing sport and leisure activity of adaptive mountain biking is providing a fun and adventurous way to explore these previously unattainable areas.

Young man on phone using AT to hold device up to his face

In the past, most adaptive clothing brands or suppliers focused solely on older people, keeping styles and designs very generic and simple with limited variety. Nowadays, there is a push to provide more accessible options online and more modern, young designs. We have had a look at some different options in the Adaptive Clothing scene in Australia and done the research for you on what is what.  

A black background with kraft envelop and redish orange flowers peeking from the envelope. Symbolizing "Hope in the mail"

Showing you care for someone can be a little harder right now. Near or far, here are some thoughtful suggestions on what you can do contact-free, or by mail. The idea of this article is to give you suggestions to celebrate events from afar. To send some unexpected joy to someone who may be alone or just needs a little cheering up. To support someone in a lonely time. Think of this as a guide to care packages for friends.

woman in a wheelchair with purple flowing hair

Public hearing 17 of the Disability Royal Commission will focus on the experience of women and girls with disabilities with a particular focus on family, domestic and sexual violence. This will be the first hearing of the Royal Commission to focus on the experiences of women and girls with disabilities.

Map of Australia with South Australia highlighted with some pins dropped on it, clipboard says SA COVID19 update, with surgical mask on it

This is the latest COVID-19 information for people who live in South Australia. Things do keep changing with COVID-19. It is important to keep up to date so that you can stay safe.

A woman with long, straight blonde hair in yellow jumper and white shirt who is a wheelchair user is looking to someone off the picture. There is a male seated to her right who wears a grey vest and collared shirt, he is looking at her. A third persons head can be seen at the left of the picture.

If you are new to the NDIS, chances are, you might have questions about the role that Local Area Coordinators and Support Coordinators have. In this article, we describe what they are and what they do to help you. We also explain Plan Management and the types of Plan Management available.

Young lady with her support worker

Support Workers assist the aged and people with disability with a variety of tasks including with their personal hygiene routines, mobility support, shopping activities, food preparation, housework tasks and social events.

aerial view of driveway and burnt house and bush

From last summer’s bushfire crisis to the COVID-19 crisis, 2020 has been a year dominated by stress, worry and anxiety for many of us. Summer is coming around again. In the event of a bushfire, you need to have a plan in place ready to act on. Are you ready?