
Reporting Abuse - Woman sitting on a couch with her hand up to indicate stop. She has Down Syndrome.ffy dog tha is being held by a woman

Every person with a disability has the right to be safe.

Woman using a wheelchair being shown a cuddly toy by her daughter

The COVID rules are different in every state. And they will keep changing. The rules cover things like work, going out, meeting people, school, cafes, clubs and travel. It is hard to say what they mean for each person with a disability. Some people with a disability have health reasons that mean if they got COVID-19 they would be very unwell. 

detail of couple's hands clasped tightly on a bed

This week, a unanimous federal court ruling found that NDIS funds could be used to access specialist sex therapy and sex worker services.

A boy in school uniform is walking though a corridor smiling.

The disruption to routine, changes to the way children are learning from home, and changes overall from COVID-19 have been a rough ride for most. For some parents educators, and carers, the next hurdle will be how to cope moving forward, as children return to the school space.

Image of wooden blocks spelling out the word Ombudsman.

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) has announced extra support with urgent complaints about telecommunications. This support is for vulnerable and at-risk residential consumers and small businesses in response to COVID-19.

3 Step plan to ease COVID-19 rules. Woman with dark glasses and assistance dog. with three numbered green ticks.

The Government has made a 3 Step Plan to ease the COVID-19 rules.

A man in his car with a medical mas is having his temperature taken

IDEAS has put together information on COVID-19 testing, locations, what to expect, where to find testing centres, how long results take and how to get help about access needs at testing clinics.

Two women, one with visible disability, stretching in a yoga pose

For People with Disability, Coronavirus restrictions have limited the vital supports they receive, like face-to-face services and therapies. Suddenly, group programs for socialising, activities to get out and about, or attendance to learn new technology or equipment, have been at a standstill. We write about the alternatives that providers offer.

Young woman artist painting

People with disability have artistic aspirations and achievements that they consider to be important and to be valued as part of the community. To this end, there is the Inclusive Arts Network (IAN) based in Victoria. It offers artists the opportunity to enter their work in the 2020 IAN Art Exhibition. 

Electricity bill with bar graphs and an energy efficient light bulb

Many people are facing financial hardship because of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Because of this, many utility providers, including energy companies, phone and internet providers, government services, and insurers are offering their customers flexibility when it comes to paying their bills.