
A view of Perth looking through trees

On 18 August 2020, it was announced that Phase 4 of the WA COVID-19 roadmap has been extended and Phase 5 will tentatively start on Saturday 24 October 2020. The 2020 Royal Perth Show has also been cancelled.

Image of a child with disability, who is sleeping.

We give you some resources that are helpful for people with intellectual disabilities who either test positive to COVID-19 or are close to a COVID-19 person, plus some resources for workers.

Image of a womans hands, holding a whisk, mixing a batter in a bowl.

The last week has marked 75 years of Peace in the Pacific. This wartime recipe by my Great Grandmother won 5 pounds in a recipe competition. Because of the war, rationing and budget meals were popular.

Words Say snapshot disability covid info helpline

IDEAS has prepared a Snap Shot of the National COVID-19 Disability Information Helpline it has been operating since April 2020. It shows the type of information and assistance people with a disability have needed as the COVID-19 crisis developed.

Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake in Tasmania

The Premier of Tasmania Peter Gutwein has made an important announcement in Parliament today, Tuesday 18 August 2020 regarding border closures for this state.  

Emergency Planning and Response in bold letters, a siren, surgical masks, wheelchair and mobile phone icon

The Disability Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability is hearing from witnesses this week via a livestreamed public hearing on Emergency Planning and Response for people with disability. 

A care worker assisting a child with disability

We regularly check with our users what you would like to know more about? One recent response was “Information on access to short term accommodation packages for children with complex care”. Here we explain how we helped.

Centrelink logo

The Government has introduced several payments and supports to support Australians who are financially affected by the COVID-19 crisis but what does it all mean for you? 

Mental health image. Silhouette of depressed person brain and healthy person brain.

In this article, we explain the steps to getting a Mental Health Care Plan, the rebates, situations where extra services may available, including areas impacted by bushfires and lockdown restrictions. And, we explain Telehealth services to support the delivery of programs to support you. We link you to Easy English Resources.

sad woman with hands over her eyes

This week, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) has revoked Integrity Care SA’s registration and issued a banning order against it.