
A mature Aboriginal couple sit at a table. In front of them is a laptop, they are both smiling/ laughing at something on the screen. A cup of sits to the left of the woman.

If you are looking for easy ways to share about Coronavirus (COVID-19) with your mob, there are resources to help you. Animated videos, Auslan Video, official posters, brochures and downloads can help you share the message to stay safe.

NDIS Independent Assessments

This week the NDIA released a new Functional Capacity Assessment Framework in line with the Government’s response to the Tune Review.

A boy sits with a chess board and ipad in front of him. A bowl of chips is to the side. On the ipad is a friend he is playing against, who also has a chessboard that we can see in the picture.

Spring has sprung! That means School Holidays! Here is our virtual helping hand, with activities for kids living with disability across Australia. We have all the ideas, from art videos with closed captioning and Auslan interpreting to  STEM learning labs and creative therapy. 

Elderly lady looking out a window

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety will hold the Sydney Hearing 5 to inquire into the funding,  financing and prudential regulation of the aged care system. This hearing will run from 14 - 22 September 2020.

Man in wheelchair next to a sign that says covid normal

The Victorian Government has a plan for how it will reopen and take steps towards COVID Normal. It is called the Roadmap for reopening. It tells you what you can and cannot do when you are out of your home. 

Man in a wheelchair with a black dog

A week to raise awareness of the needs of people with spinal cord injuries. It is an initiative of the Australian Spinal Injury Alliance, which represents a number of Australia’s largest spinal cord injury support organisations.

Woman stretching standing on a yoga mat

As with many organisations, IDEAS online editors have been keeping up-to-date with the latest on COVID-19 news, restrictions, lockdowns and masks. Our Executive Assistant Jess has given us something different to consider.

An image of a suitcase with a face mask sitting on top.

We all have the same priorities. We are all people doing our best to look after our families. We stay at home when we can. But, medical emergencies happen, life happens, and sometimes we still must travel. So, how can we travel safe?

An image of an older woman in a kitchen looking at a laptop. She is wearing an apron and is surrounded by vegetables and cooking utensils

Support groups and social groups can be a fun way to meet with people who have similar interests as you. So how do you find an online community? Read on for some top tips.

Lemons in a white bowl

Lemons, one of those quintessential fruits with lots of uses. It can be a key ingredient in many sweet or savoury dishes and it has myriad health benefits. Who hasn’t sipped on a hot honey and lemon drink to soothe a sore throat?